Doing this after your vaccine may make side effects worse



As more Americans get vaccinated, people are rightly feeling excited about how much they can safely do once they are fully vaccinated against COVID. However, there are some things you should do with caution after your injection, especially if you are concerned about side effects. Doctors warn that there is something you may want to do right after your vaccine that may actually make your side effects worse. Read on to find out what experts advise against and to learn more about vaccine reactions, check out the bizarre new side effect of the COVID vaccine that is confusing even doctors.

Young beautiful couple relaxing at home.  They roast with beer.  Sunday afternoon.

It’s normal to be excited about your COVID vaccination, but if you plan on having a party drink right after your vaccine, you might want to wait. Tania Elliott, MD, a clinical medical instructor at NYU Langone Health, said Health this could make any side effects you experience after the COVID vaccine worse. “Side effects of the vaccines include muscle aches and pains and feelings of bad weather. Adding to the side effects of alcohol may make you feel worse, ”she explained. After all, many symptoms of a hangover reflect the potential side effects of the COVID vaccine, such as fatigue, headaches, muscle pain and nausea, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse. and alcoholism. Drinking right after your vaccine could just make these negative side effects worse.

Jagadeesh Reddy, MD, an infectious disease specialist at Providence Mission Hospital, said Health he recommends abstaining or reducing alcohol consumption for the first 48 to 72 hours after a vaccine dose, as that is when you are likely to experience side effects from the COVID vaccine. According to Elliot, now is the time to focus on “rest and hydration.” And for more on what to avoid, check out These 2 Things You Must Stop Eating Before Your COVID Vaccine, New Study Finds.

Series of photos of a virtual dinner with video call during lockdown.

Also, do not spend a night drinking before your vaccine. Experts warn that the same problem can arise if you drink it right before your vaccination. “Drink water, not alcohol, before you get the vaccine,” Katie Markley, MD, a primary care physician at UCHealth Primary Care Hilltop, wrote in an article for UCHealth. “Drinking too much alcohol can lead to dehydration and a hangover. Don’t put yourself in a position to deal with a hangover and possible side effects.” And for more on life after the shot, the CDC says you should do this immediately after you’ve been vaccinated.

Close-up of bearded man drinking a glass of beer

Blanka Kaplan, MD, an adult and childhood allergy and immunology specialist at Northwell Health in New York City, told WebMD there’s a risk that alcohol will increase your chances of having a allergic reaction. “Under certain circumstances, alcohol can speed up allergic reactions,” Kaplan explained. “Since we do not yet know enough about the influence of alcohol on allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines, I recommend avoiding drinking alcohol for 24 hours before and after your vaccination.” And for more up to date information, sign up for our daily newsletter.

Cropped shot of young woman drinking glass of champagne outdoors

If you don’t mind feeling even more miserable than expected for a few days after your vaccine, you may not need to abstain from alcohol afterwards. During the trial period for each vaccine, neither Moderna, Pfizer, or Johnson & Johnson asked participants to avoid alcohol, and none of the companies recorded any alcohol-related issues related to it. with the vaccine. Richard watkins, MD, an infectious disease physician and professor of internal medicine at Northeast Ohio Medical University, said Prevention that there is currently “no evidence that alcohol reduces antibody formation.” With that in mind, neither the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) nor the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have issued guidelines requiring individuals to refrain from drinking alcohol before or after. the COVID vaccine. And to learn more about how to prepare for the vaccine, find out the one drug you should take before your COVID vaccine, experts say.


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