Donald Trump has a theory to explain anti-vaxxers


And the division on the vaccine reflects our partisan differences. In a Gallup poll conducted in late September, 92% of Democrats had received at least one dose of the vaccine, while only 56% of Republicans had received the same.

Donald Trump thinks he knows why. Here is his explanation during an “interview” with Sean Hannity of Fox News on Thursday night:

“During my administration, everyone wanted the vaccine. No one was saying oh, oh, I don’t want to take it. Now they say that. And that’s because they don’t trust the Biden administration. I can’t think of any other reason.

“But they say we don’t want it, we’re not going to take it. When I was there, everyone wanted it and we were doing great. Well the military did. fantastic work. “

OK… so Trump says the 44% of Republicans who haven’t been vaccinated are resisting because they don’t like or trust President Joe Biden?

It couldn’t be – and stay with me here – a persistent effort to undermine the very idea of ​​truth during a four-year presidency, could it? Or a president who has consistently downplayed the threat posed by the virus, mocked the need to wear a mask to mitigate the spread, and sought to undermine experts like Dr Anthony Fauci? And that, once that seed of denial of facts and expertise takes hold, it grows in all kinds of malformed and malicious ways?

Yep, it’s either all of that or Republicans don’t trust Biden even though the vaccine was developed as part of a plan put in place by Trump – a fact the former president literally brags about in every appearance. public that it does.

Point: We know why the vaccine hesitation rates are so high among Republicans. It’s Donald Trump, with the help of his friends – like Sean Hannity – from Fox News.


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