Donald Trump Jr. is summoned to testify before a Senate committee on Russia


WASHINGTON – The Senate Intelligence Committee has assigned Donald Trump Jr., the eldest son of the president, who met with the Russians in June 2016 after promising to do politics on Hillary Clinton, according to sources close to the decision of the committee.

The Republican-led committee is particularly interested in telling the story of the events surrounding this meeting by the youngest Mr. Trump – as well as by his role in his father's efforts to build a skyscraper in Moscow – and by comparing testimonials with his previous responses to Senate investigators to 2017

Donald Trump Jr. is the first of President Trump's children to be summoned to the ongoing Congressional inquiries into Russia's interference in the 2016 elections. This can only reinforce the wrath of a president who spent more than two years denouncing Russian investigations.

Mr. Trump came from President Trump's global business empire and was one of his father's close advisers during the election.

"Based on the facts, the government would probably not be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the 9 June meeting generally knew that their behavior was illegal," the report said.

The testimony of Trump's youngest member of Congress comes in two months after the New York Times revealed that he had arranged a meeting with the Russians during the campaign at the Trump Tower after learning that they had detrimental information about Mrs. Clinton. The information, he said, was part of "Russia and the support of his government to Mr. Trump".

"If that's what you say, I like it," he replied at the time.

When the Times first revealed the existence of the Trump Tower meeting, Donald Trump Jr. did not recognize that it had been set up to obtain damaging information about Mrs. Clinton. In a public statement, he said that the main topic of the meeting was a program of adoption of Russian children by American families, which Moscow had ended years ago as a result of sanctions imposed by the Obama administration.

His story has changed many times. Eventually, he acknowledged that the best campaign advisers were eager to see Russia picking on Mrs. Clinton and were disappointed at not getting what the Russians had promised. Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort, two of the main contributors to the campaign, also attended the meeting.

Donald Trump Jr. also told Senate investigators in 2017 that he had "only a peripheral awareness" of his father's efforts to build a Trump tower in Moscow in 2015 and 2016, in the midst of campaigning for the Presidency.

But Mr. Cohen said he had "talked" about 10 times about the project to young Mr. Trump and his sister Ivanka Trump.

Mr Cohen pleaded guilty to having lied to Congress about the scale of the Trump Tower Moscow project. He is currently serving a three-year sentence.

Despite years of scrutiny by prosecutors and congressional investigators over his role in the 2016 campaign, Trump, who was younger, stayed on the rally circuit and one of the most the presidency of his father.

At the conservative political action conference in March, two days after the overwhelming congressional testimony, Cohen said the first two years of the Trump administration had been a "promise made, a promise kept."

"He shows the world that when he says he's going to do something, he's serious," he told an enthusiastic crowd.

And he had some advice to give to the Department of Justice on the Mueller report, which had not been published.

"Put it all there," he said. "Do not write anything."


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