Donald Trump says for the first time he will step down if the electoral college declares Biden the winner


“Definitely I will, and you know it,” Trump said when a reporter asked him to leave the White House if Biden is declared the winner on Dec. 14. “I will and you know it.”

“It will be a very difficult thing to concede because we know there has been massive fraud,” Trump said without evidence.

“As to whether or not we can move this device fast or not – because time is not on our side, everything else is on our side, the facts are on our side, it was massive fraud.”

The president falsely added that if Biden is declared the winner, the Electoral College “made a mistake because this election was a fraud.” Pressed on his comments, Trump picked up the reporter. “Don’t talk to me that way. I’m the President of the United States. Never talk to the President that way,” he said.

Thursday was the first time Trump had answered questions from reporters since the election.

Since CNN and other media projected Biden as the winner earlier this month, Trump has refused to accept the results, instead pushing baseless plots that his second term would be stolen and launching a legal effort to cancel the results.

This includes falsely claiming in an election night speech that he had already won re-election, that he had already won states that were still pending at the time, and that his opponents were perpetuating fraud.

In response, Biden’s campaign spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement earlier this month, “the United States government is perfectly capable of escorting intruders out of the White House.”

At this point, the Trump campaign’s lawsuits have been repeatedly dismissed or dropped, and earlier this week the General Service administration informed Biden that the Trump administration was ready to begin the formal transition process.

The letter from the GSA marked the first step the administration took in acknowledging Trump’s defeat. The President however tweeted moments after the letter’s publication: “Our case continues STRONG, we will continue the good fight, and I believe we will win!”

He echoed this message throughout his rambling press conference Thursday after a Thanksgiving teleconference with the military – an event that U.S. presidents traditionally use to boost the morale of military personnel posted overseas during the holidays and remind the country of their service.


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