Donald Trump's national emergency declaration: 47 scandalous lines


He announced the move into what has now become fashionable: with an impetuous and shameless press conference full of lies and foofaraw. Given that the legal and political battle around Trump's emergency declaration – and the broader issue of immigration – will dominate Washington for weeks (or even months), I thought that It made sense to consult the transcript of what Trump said exactly in his speech. press conference.

Below, my thoughts on the lines you need to see.

1. "We have many good announcements regarding Syria and our success in eradicating the caliphate, and this will be announced in the next 24 hours."

And we're going!

2. "And a lot of other things, a lot of positive things are happening."

Hard to discuss! Many other things!

3. "We will do it in one way or another.We must do it – not because it was a campaign promise, what it is."

So the president declares a national emergency because "we have to do it" and not because he said we had to do it during the election campaign. But ask yourself this: if it was such an emergency, why did Trump wait more than two years after the start of his term to declare him unique?

4. "You look at other economies, they are doing very badly, and we are going a lot."

Other savings: Bad. Our economy: good.

5. "We – we have all the records, we have all the discs, but we are getting closer to the point where we are going to create new discs."

Trump speaks specifically about the stock market here, although it also works like an interesting stock price for, well, anything that's asked of him about himself or his presidency. The best! A record!

6. "When you watch and listen to politicians, especially some Democrats, they say it all goes through the point of entry, it's wrong, it's wrong."

"A small percentage of all the heroin seized by [Customs and Border Protection agents] along the land border was enter Ports of Entry, "reads in the Truth Administration's 2018 Drug Threat Assessment. Sooooooo …

7. "It's just a lie – it's all a lie."

8. "They say walls do not work, walls work 100%."

Nobody has ever entered a wall. It can not happen. It is 1000 feet high and made of pure ice! Expect…

9. "Take a look at Israel, they are building another wall, their wall is 99.9 percent effective, they tell me – 99.9 percent."

The border wall between Israel and Egypt is 150 miles long. The US border with Mexico is 2,000 miles long. Apples, please meet oranges.

10. "And a large majority of big drugs – the big drug trucks do not pass through the entry points."

Just to repeat: Trump is wrong about this, according to his own administration.

11. "They can not see women with tape on their mouths or three women whose hands are tied."

Trump often relies on this notion – that of women who are taken to the other side of the border as part of trafficking networks. The problem? There does not appear to be any factual evidence of this disturbing image.

12. "It's a big lie – it's a big scam game."

Trump specifically talks about the border here. But again, this statement is also a decent substitute for his worldview: Everyone is lying to you and trying to fuck you. Everyone, except me.

13. "I am going to sign a national emergency, and it has already been signed many times and it has been signed by other presidents, and from about 1977 it gave power to the presidents."

True! The National Emergency Act of 1976 gave presidents broad powers to declare national emergencies. And 58 have been declared since the entry into force of the law.

14. "There's rarely been a problem, they sign it, everyone else does not care, I guess they were not very exciting, but nobody cares." . "

The question here is not whether Trump can declare a national emergency at the border (he can do it!), But it is a real national emergency. If this is not the case, it creates a huge precedent for the executive power to seize the power of the legislature.

15. "It's a very good urgency that [Obama] signed, and we will use parts in our dealings with the cartels ".

Solid emergency. Emergency of quality. Some say one of the best emergencies. (Also, here is the national emergency statement regarding the 2011 Obama cartels).

16. "Nobody did the work we never did, I mean, no one did the work we did at the border."

Is not this an argument against the necessity of the wall? If Trump does such an extraordinary job at the border, you would think that a wall was not necessary?

17. "We did a fantastic job, but we did not get the equipment, we did not get the walls."

Again, the contradiction is surprising. On one side, Trump would like to point out that he is doing a better job than any other president in matters of immigration (and everything in between). On the other hand, he wants to find excuses for why he could not do everything. But he just said that he did better than any other president!

18. "I was a little new to the profession, a little new to the profession, and we had a little disappointment for the first year and a half, and the people who should have stepped up did not show up. Have not stepped up their efforts. " , and they should have. "

Important thing to never forget about Trump: nothing is ever his fault. He is always the unworthy victim of malice, incompetence or both.

19. "We are currently under construction with walls in some of the most important areas, and we have renovated a lot of walls, making them just as new."

This is just not right.

20. "We will have a national emergency and then we will be sued, they will sue us on the 9th circuit, even if that should not be the case, and we will eventually have a bad decision, and then we will." get another bad decision, and then we will meet again in the Supreme Court, and hopefully we will get a fair shake and win in the Supreme Court. "

This sentence is 65 words long. Ernest Hemingway would not be happy.

21. "I'm ready, I'm always ready."

[nods head slowly]

22. "I was talking to a few of them.They think it's much more important than what they were going to use it for."

Trump says here that he spoke to a number of generals who told him that they were going to use the money allocated by Congress to the military for building the wall because that wall is no longer important that all they could do with this money. Trump never named these generals who liked the idea of ​​building the wall with military funds. Maybe they exist! In addition, maybe they do not!

23. "You know, I'm a big supporter of the deficit and all that, but before we really start focusing on certain things, we need to strengthen our armed forces."

24. "Go ahead, ABC – not NBC, I like ABC a little more, not a lot … Come on, ABC – not a lot, close enough."

ABC> NBC. But, it's close!

25. "Look, I am waiting to be sued, I should not be sued, very rarely you are sued when you are in a state of national emergency."

When you make a national emergency, you are not usually sued. Everyone knows about the national emergency. Of course, the former presidents made the state of national emergency when there was a national emergency.

26. "So, I think what will happen is unfortunately that we will be prosecuted.Unfortunately, we will go through a process and, fortunately, we will win, I think."

Sad, sad, so happy !!!

27. "I received almost $ 1.4 billion while I was not supposed to receive 1 dollar – not 1 dollar.It will not receive 1 dollar.Well, I have received $ 1.4 billion, but I'm not happy about it. "

Yet another example of the absolute contradictions at the heart of Trump. He refuses to admit that he was the loser of the compromise coming out of Congress. But if that were true, then why did he need to declare a national emergency to get military funding of $ 3.6 billion? Answer: This is not true.

28. "I could do the wall for a longer period, I did not need to do that, but I would do it much faster."

In which the President of the United States compromises the need to declare a national emergency even as he announced the said national emergency. Really remarkable.

29. "And I do not have to do it for the election, I have already done a lot of wall for the 2020 election."

[Narrator voice] He does not have it.

30. "I like the rates, but I also like them to negotiate."

Rates are great! The negotiation is also great!

31. "The USMCA of Mexico – it's the United States, Mexico and Canada – that's where the money comes, not directly, but indirectly, for the wall. nobody wants to talk about it. "

They may not want to talk about it because Trump's statement is false.

32. "But, you know, I've never done politics before, now I'm in politics."

"Now I'm doing politics." — The president of the United States

33. "In the meantime, I have built a lot of walls, I have a lot of money and a lot of walls."

[narrator voice] He does not have it.

34. "When a bad person comes in, bring in 22, 23 or 35 members of his family because he has his mother, his grandmother, his sister, his cousin, his uncle, they are all in it."

Experts in the field of immigration have rejected Trump's figures here as being totally unrelated to reality.

35. "Here's a guy who could talk for three hours without a phone call, try to do it from time to time, for three hours he talks."

Donald Trump loves Rush Limbaugh because he can talk for three hours in a row. So, there is that.

36. "Ann Coulter I do not know her, I hardly know her, I have not spoken to her for more than a year, but the press loves to say:" Ann Coulter. " "

Trump has tweeted favorably – or retweeted – Coulter 47 times since 2015, according to Trump's Twitter archive. "Thank you @AnnCoulter for your kind words.The US is becoming a garbage dump for the world.Poles do not understand.Do again a great America," he tweeted in June 2015.

37. "Then I like her, but she is off reserve, but everyone who knows her understands it, but I did not speak to her, I do not speak to her, I do not speak to her. Press likes to bring up the name "Ann Coulter." And you know what, I think she's fine, I think she's fine, but I'm not talking to her. "

I challenge you to tell me, definitely, what Trump feels about Ann Coulter.

38. "In fact, two people on CNN were very good."

Two things here: 1) Trump says that he never looks CNN 2) Trump defines "very good" as "they say nice things about me".

39. "Because your question is a very political question, because you have an agenda, you are CNN, you are a false news, you have an agenda."

But you were just saying such beautiful things! I thought we had something! Something real!

40. "No, no, I use a lot of statistics, I use a lot of statistics."

Trump does not accept statistics on crossing the border or entry points provided by his administration. So what statistics does he accept? He will not say.

41. "You have much worse statistics than the ones I use, but I use a lot of statistics, but I also use Homeland Security."

[looks vacantly into space]

42. "When I took office, I met with President Obama, in the Oval Office, and I sat on these magnificent chairs."

Happy that he can remember the chairs. So pretty!

43. "I think that he would have gone to war with North Korea, and I think he was ready to go to war." In fact, he said that "I'm going to war. he was about to start a great war with North Korea. "

Wait, then former President Barack Obama told Trump that he was planning a "big" war against North Korea? Interesting! I'm sure this conversation took place exactly as Trump said!

44. "Prime Minister Abe, of Japan, has handed me the finest copy of a letter that he sent to those who are distributing a prize called the Nobel Prize."

It does not matter – I just got nominated for a little thing called the Nobel Prize. (Note: Abe refuses to refuse Trump's bid for the prize.)

45. "A lot of other people think that too, I probably will never understand, but it's okay, they gave it to Obama, he did not even know why he had it. there about 15 seconds and he was awarded the Nobel Prize. "

Trump sees himself – even now as president – as a guy looking out for the exclusive club that will not let him in. And he hates that. This breeds immense resentment and bitterness that pushes her to harbor the so-called "elites".

46. ​​"I mean, it was the most beautiful letter of five letters – five pages.The Nobel Prize he sent to them."

Nobel Prize. Letter. Pretty. Five pages. Letter. Pretty. Nobel Prize.

47. "No one else would have done it.The Obama administration could not have done it."

So true. And no, I'm not quite sure what Trump is referring to here. But he did it. And Obama no. It seems like a good place to finish.


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