Don’t forget to cook 3 cups of rice | News, Sports, Jobs


Shared and enduring values ​​are what define a family, a community or any meaningful relationship.

In Maui County, some of our values ​​have been formalized into long term plans established by law. For example, the General Plan 2030 establishes this vision for the people of Lanai, Maui and Molokai:

“The education and health of our people will be encouraged to ensure that the residents of these islands can, if they so choose, spend their entire lives here – raising children, owning a home, enjoying rewarding jobs, enjoying the opportunities to contribute to this community. and be good stewards of our local treasures and resources.

Maui County Council is working to make this vision a reality by addressing the public policy issues that will define the future of our islands. Some of the long-term impact issues scheduled for discussion for the remainder of the year include:

• Economic diversification and reduction of overtourism.

• Impacts and opportunities of climate change.

• Comprehensive affordable housing plan.

• Water use and development plan.

• Homeless programs and services.

• Improvements to infrastructure and parks.

• Advisory committees in South Maui and Ha’iku-Pa’ia.

There is nothing more important than planning for the future of our children. On behalf of the board, I would like to wish the 2021 graduates success and happiness and remind you to always cherish and respect your beliefs and values ​​as you begin an exciting new chapter in your life.

One of my grandsons, Riley, recently graduated from St. Anthony in Wailuku and left for college.

When he was younger I would drop him off at school and tell him, “Remember to do a random act of kindness.” He was smiling and would go on with his day. This verbal ritual lasted from elementary school until he was old enough to drive to school. I hoped that by doing an act of kindness each day it would become a natural habit requiring no conscious effort.

On May 28, the big moment came at the opening ceremony for Riley’s High School at St. Anthony Church Center. Unbeknownst to our family, Riley received the Brother Robert Bader Award, an incredible surprise that filled our family with pride. This coveted award goes to an elderly man “Who is a diligent student, who embodies a kind and kind personality and who is unwavering in their commitment to what is good.”

Treating others with kindness was a common occurrence in our home. My mom taught us to be kind and constantly emphasized the importance of family, community, and caring for each other. My father taught us to be honest, fair and direct and to always take our responsibilities and obligations seriously. These are values ​​that are dear to us and on which we continue to live. Riley’s mother and her family nurtured a strong foundation and led by example, always reinforcing the importance of these values ​​throughout Riley’s childhood.

I tried to teach Riley the important things in life to better prepare him to make the right choices to help him achieve happiness and success. Riley has developed a wonderful sense of humor, curiosity and respect for adhering to core values.

Since Riley was 12, I asked her to make three cups of rice for dinner. It was his job and his daily contribution to the family. It was also a way for him to learn more about the responsibility and importance of fulfilling his daily obligations as an active member of our family and in life. Likewise, anyone who was hungry or needed a place to stay was always welcome to stay with us.

The Three Cups of Rice serve as a metaphor that encompasses the idea that our responsibilities extend to our immediate family but also to our larger family – humanity.

Everyone is valuable. Everyone has a goal. Everyone has a role.

To assume our role in society, we must prepare ourselves by acquiring a trade, a skill or a diploma. It takes persistence, integrity and core values ​​that will lay the foundation of our lives.

Graduates and other beginners, may your journey be rich in experiences and rewards, and may your dreams come true. You are valued.

Riley, don’t forget to cook three cups of rice. Love, grandmother.

* Alice L. Lee is the president of Maui County Council. It occupies the county council seat of the Wailuku-Waihe’e-Waikapu residential area. “3 minutes of advice” is a column to explain the latest news on legislative and community matters in the county. Go to for more information.

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