DPH: 28 mass communities reach a level of "critical" risk for EEE


METHUEN, Mass. – After four positive tests Thursday at Eastern Equine Encephalitis, commonly referred to as EEE, the level of risk was raised to critical in Medfield, Holliston, Brookfield and Granby.

This brings the total number of horses infected with EEE to seven in Massachusetts this year.

There are 28 communities currently at critical risk, 37 at high risk and 126 at moderate risk of EEE virus in the state.

>> MORE: Communities across the state have been tested positive for EEE and West Nile virus (WNV)

"As we approach Labor Day weekend and September, people should not forget to bring in and use an EPA-approved mosquito repellent for all of them." outdoor activities, "said Commissioner for Public Health Monica Bharel. "The peak of mosquito-borne disease transmission spreads to September, here in Massachusetts."

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health has confirmed the cases, broadening the risk to more parts of the state. Massachusetts will not do aerial spraying, but the Norfolk County Mosquito Control District will spray all over the city on Friday after dusk. New ground sprays will also be carried out in Holliston over the weekend.

The outdoor activities of all public schools in the city and Medfield will end at 7 pm and night games will be reprogrammed.

Last week in Methuen, a horse was tested positive for the disease and officials said you should limit your time outside after sunset.

"We are extremely cautious about this," said Methuen Mayor James Jajuga. "We do not want someone to get sick and obviously we do not want anyone to lose their [lives]. "

City officials quickly decided to cancel all outdoor activities organized by the city and by the school in the evening, including sporting events.

>> MORE: Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes in Massachusetts

"So, nothing after 7 pm will not happen anymore," said Amy Ewing, a nurse for Methuen Public Health. "And that goes until September 30, and on October 1, that time will go down until 6 o'clock."

They are still working on what to do about morning activities.

"We'll discuss it tomorrow," Ewing said Monday. "The school starts Wednesday, so we have tomorrow to do all the planning we need for precautionary purposes."

The Westborough Board of Health even voted to ban outdoor activities as early as Monday afternoon, due to the high threat of EEE in that city. They do not want anyone to go out from dusk to dawn to avoid being bitten by a mosquito with EEE.

"Recreation programs in every city and every school," said Steven Baccari, public health director for Westborough. "We asked all programs to stop at 7 pm For now, this would also include city-owned parks."

According to the Ministry of Mass Public Health, Westborough is one of two dozen communities considered to be a "critical risk" of EEE.

In Norfolk County, trucks are expected to take the road Monday night after sunset to spray EEE.

Related: Spraying mosquitoes in some counties prompting residents to ask what's in there

Dave Lawson, director of the Norfolk County Mosquito Control District, said the wet weather this year was largely responsible for the spread of the mosquito-borne virus.

"We have had a rainy spring and the summer has been wetter than it has been for years, so the mosquito population has increased," Lawson said.

The risk level for Andover was also increased from moderate to high on Monday afternoon, adding to a series of risk alerts issued earlier in the day.

According to the DPH, the EEE is extremely rare. But there have been four human cases of mosquito-borne virus in that state last month. These are the first cases reported since an outbreak in 2013.

The symptoms of EEE

The first symptoms of the EEE are the sudden onset of a headache, high fever, chills and vomiting. Then, as the virus progresses, an infected person may experience disorientation and convulsions.

According to the CDC, these symptoms begin between four and ten days from the moment a person is bitten by an infected mosquito.

According to the CDC, people who live and visit high-risk areas, people over the age of 50, and people under the age of 15, report the CDC.

But anybody can contract the virus.

"We are all at risk of mosquito bites, no matter what your age, where you live, or anything like that," Ewing said. "So, I think the most critical information here is that people need to protect themselves from mosquito bites."


Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes in Massachusetts

The family says that Fairhaven's wife died of EEE; 4th human case diagnosed at Bristol Co.


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