Dr Duchin: “The risk of acquiring COVID-19 is higher now than it has ever been locally” – Slog


As a self-proclaimed translator of Dr Duchins' wrath, I would say the county health chief is NOT IMPRESSED by the way we have handled the DEADLY RESPIRATORY VIRUS outbreak, and he asks us once again not to celebrate Thanksgiving indoors with people outside of our homes.  .

As a self-proclaimed translator of Dr Duchin’s wrath, I would say the county health chief is NOT IMPRESSED by the way we have handled the DEADLY RESPIRATORY VIRUS outbreak, and he asks us once again to not hang out inside with people from outside our homes. SCREENSHOT SHITTY

Do you remember March when the city was deserted? When few, if any, cars were driving on the street? When the whole world felt like it was covered in an invisible, deadly substance that could kill you and who you love to date in an instant? When you banged on pots and pans every night at 8 p.m. in recognition of the sacrifices healthcare workers made every second of every day?


Well, given the recent “COVID-19 case explosionAs Seattle and King County Public Health Officer Dr Jeffrey Duchin said at a press conference on Friday, we need to get back to that open space.

“The risk of acquiring COVID-19 is higher now than it has ever been locally,” said Dr Duchin. “Every day that we postpone taking the necessary action to stop the spread of COVID-19 leads to additional preventable suffering and pain.

“We don’t have to follow the path of pain that so many other communities go through,” he continued, sounding more metal than I’ve ever heard it ring before. “And we’ve already gone too far down that road for my convenience.”

The press conference more or less amounted to a thoughtful, cordial, understanding, empathetic and epidemiological version of Duchin pointing to the publicly available COVID-19 data, looking directly at the camera with a smirk, then simply holding this pose for halfway. . an hour without blinking.

King County recorded an average of 581 new cases per day last week, with positivity rates dropping from 2% in September to around 7% recently, Duchin said. The increased screening rate, he added, does not take into account this sharp rise in infections.

The increases affect people of all ages, but 70% of cases were in people between the ages of 20 and 60, with people of color still affected at disproportionately high rates.

Not good!

Not good!

Not good!

Not good!

Hospitalizations have increased by 50% in the past two weeks, with “215 confirmed and suspected patients in King County hospitals, up from around 100 for most of September and October,” Duchin said.

Hospitals activated their emergency response mechanisms to deal with the surge. Contact tracing and outbreak investigation teams are “overloaded”. And while the death toll remains relatively low at the moment, Duchin said the death crisis typically comes three weeks after the increase in cases.

Not good!

Not good!

We want the transmission rate to be well below 1, and currently it is 1.4, which means that this increase in cases will continue to grow exponentially until hospitals overflow and the county starts to charge refrigeration trucks for use as mobile mortuaries.

Lucky for us, there are just a few things to do immediately:

Stop gathering indoors with people we don’t already live with. Restrictions on restaurants, bars and gyms “will not be enough to reverse this epidemic,” Duchin said. We have to put a stop to dinners, brunches, weddings, church gatherings, fucking Halloween parties, fucking indoor Thanksgiving parties, and funerals – otherwise there will be a lot more.

Don’t go take a COVID-19 test just so you can attend Thanksgiving. The testing centers in Seattle are full of people doing this, and it puts a strain on the system. A negative test doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not infected, you can get infected between the time you take the test and the time you get the results, and you KNOW your ass doesn’t. Actually quarantined for 14 days.

Wear good masks and wash your hands. We all always do that, right?

Narc on our favorites when we catch COVID-19. Duchin said COVID-19 patients will tell contact tracers that they attended a party with “10, 30, 50 other people, and they’ll even say some of those people got COVID after the party,” but they won’t tell who started the virus part in the first place. Ditto restaurants and gyms. That is, they will say they visited restaurants and gyms while they were contagious with COVID, but they will not specify the locations because they fear they have their favorite places “in trouble”. Duchin said public health officials can provide clearer and more accurate information about epidemics to communities if only people were more available, but at the moment he “has no solution” for people who remain discreet.



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