Dr Fauci expects April to be the start of the ‘open season’ for COVID-19 vaccines


Image via Getty / Alex Wong

As we move closer to a full year of a pandemic here in the United States, optimism can be found in the continued rollout of vaccines, though none of this is changing fast enough to bring complete peace of mind. mind.

In an interview with Savannah Guthrie on Today Airing Thursday morning, Dr Anthony Fauci – director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases – shared his latest predictions on when the general public (i.e. those who are not in groups at high risk) can expect to be able to start getting the vaccine.

“We have these priorities [groups]—1a, 1b, 1c, ”said Dr Fauci. “If you watch the screening I imagine when we get there in April it will be what I would call [lack of] better wording “open season”. Namely, virtually anyone and anyone in any category could start to get the vaccine. From there, it would probably take several more months just logistically to get vaccines into people’s arms, so that hopefully as we move into the middle and end of summer. , we could have achieved the objective we are talking about. Namely, the overwhelming majority of people in this country have been vaccinated.

Earlier this week, the CDC – following Dr Fauci’s advice to the public on the benefits of double-masking – shared a study highlighting the importance of ensuring that one’s body fits the face perfectly when it is acts to limit the spread of the virus. that cause COVID-19.

In laboratory tests, exposure to potentially infectious aerosols was reduced by approximately 95% when wearing well-fitting masks. The two examples of “well-fitting” given were wearing a cloth mask over a medical procedure mask, as well as wearing a medical procedure mask with tied earrings and folded sides.

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