Dr Fauci just said this thing could potentially make COVID worse



The rollout of COVID vaccines and the latest reports of the decline in new cases have put many Americans at ease, optimistic that the end of the pandemic is imminent. But it may just be wishful thinking, says latest White House COVID adviser Anthony Fauci, MD. In a new interview with MSNBC, he warned that there is one thing that could make the COVID situation worse. Read on to find out what Fauci is all about and to learn more about this infectious disease expert, find out why Dr Fauci says doing this after getting vaccinated is a huge mistake.


In an interview on January 28 on MSNBC Morning joe, Fauci said there was good news on the COVID front because cases were “leveling off.” According to The New York Times, new cases of COVID in the country have fallen by 34% in the past two weeks. However, Fauci said that doesn’t mean things will necessarily stay that way. “I think it could potentially get worse,” he admitted. “What’s embarrassing now, which we really have to keep an eye out for, are these variations.” And to learn more about the new variants, know that if you have these 4 symptoms, you could have the new strain of COVID.

A teenage girl wearing a dark jacket, backpack and face mask walks on a rainy city street.

Currently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is warning of three common new strains of COVID: the British variant (B.1.1.7), the South African variant (B.1.351) and the Brazilian variant (P .1). The British strain is so far the most common in the United States, but Fauci says he’s the most concerned about one in particular. “The [variant] this is of more concern and which could really be problematic, it is the mutant which is now dominant in South Africa, ”he said.

All three variants appear to be more transmissible than the previous strains, but the South African variant can also make vaccines and treatments less effective. According to vaccine developer Moderna, a recent study showed that the South African strain resulted in a six-fold reduction in neutralizing antibodies created from their vaccine – meaning the vaccine is still effective against the strain, but a lot less than he would be against. other variations. And to learn more about how the UK variant has spread so far, check out Here’s how many cases of the new strain are in your state.

Pfizer vaccine

Even though the South African strain may affect the effectiveness of the vaccine, Fauci said vaccine producers are already working on ways to get around this problem. “We are already planning and implementing a modified version of the vaccine, which could ultimately be directed specifically against the South African isolate, which is the most problematic of all,” he said.

On January 25, Moderna announced that it was developing and testing a potential booster for the vaccine. “As we seek to defeat the COVID-19 virus, which has created a global pandemic, we believe it is imperative to be proactive as the virus evolves,” said Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel said in a statement. “As a precaution and taking advantage of the flexibility of our mRNA platform, we are proposing to the clinic an emerging variant booster candidate against the variant first identified in the Republic of South Africa to determine whether it will be more effective to increase headlines against this and potentially future variants. And for more up-to-date COVID news sent straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter.


Many of the concerns surrounding the South African strain were speculative, given that the United States had not reported any cases of the variant in the country. However, he officially entered. On January 28, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) announced that it had detected the first two cases of the South African variant reported in the United States.

“The arrival of the SARS-CoV-2 variant in our state is an important reminder to all South Carolinians that the fight against this deadly virus is far from over,” said the acting director of public health of the DHEC Brannon Traxler, MD, said in a statement. “Each of us needs to re-engage in the fight recognizing that we are all on the front lines now. We are all in the same boat.” And to learn more about what you can do to prevent it, find out why you should stop doing it immediately to avoid the new strain of COVID, doctors are warning.


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