Dr Fauci just said we would get back to “normalcy”


With record-breaking coronavirus cases every day – the country recorded 126,742 new cases yesterday, the fourth day of the week with more than 100,000 – leading experts fear more deaths are ahead. And the rest of us are wondering, when will this end? Dr Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease specialist, answered this question in an interview with the American Medical Association (AMA) on Saturday. “How do you see the next year or two going?” asked host James Madara, MD, CEO of AMA and EVP. “Where are we and how should we view this?” Read on to see when things might get back to normal, and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss out on these sure signs that you’ve had coronavirus before.

What did Dr Facui reveal about the progress of immunization that is the key to getting back to normal?

Dr Fauci began by discussing the vaccine. “The vaccine problem is actually good news at a time of great concern and stress related to the epidemic,” he said. “We have six candidates that the United States government is helping to develop or facilitate testing, five of them are already in phase three. And two of them, the Moderna product and Pfizer began phase three trials on July 27, they are fully enrolled. And as you and I are talking right now, data is being collected regarding efficacy and safety. “

Fauci said: “We hope that at the dawn of November and possibly early December we have an answer as to whether one or more of these candidates are safe and effective. I am cautiously optimistic that we will have a safe. and an effective vaccine. And then we can start delivering doses reasonably soon after in an integrated fashion to those with the highest priority, such as healthcare workers and people on the front lines. . “

Related: Expert Warns Vaccine Race Cannot Trade Safety For Speed

When did Dr Fauci say we would get back to normal?

So what would it mean to get back to normal? “There are two factors that will determine the extent to which public health measures play an important role in protecting our country and the people of our country,” he said. “First of all, how effective would the vaccine be? And, just as important, how many people are going to choose to be vaccinated, because, you know, there is a considerable degree of reluctance / skepticism about the vaccine. that we have to overcome through transparency and messaging and reaching out to the community. “” But if we get a reasonably effective vaccine – 75% effective, “he continued,” and a substantial proportion of the population takes the vaccine, I think we’re going to be moving in the right direction to approach some degree of normalcy as we approach 2021 – in the second, third and fourth quarters of 2021. So this is good news. “

Fauci was sure to add that there was no reason to start popping champagne bottles just yet. “I mean, obviously you can’t declare victory until you get the results showing whether the vaccine is safe and effective. But as I mentioned, I’m cautiously optimistic based on the data we have from animal studies. from the phase one trial showing a robust degree of neutralizing antibodies in these early phase one studies. So things are going well in this regard, ”he said.

What to do until then to avoid death

As for you, do whatever you can to avoid catching and spreading COVID-19 in the first place: wear your face mask, get tested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid the crowds (and bars and parties at home), practice social media outreach, do only essential errands, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently touched surfaces and to get through this pandemic to the best of your health, don’t miss these 35 places where you are most likely to catch COVID.


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