Dr Fauci Says Your COVID Vaccine Will Protect You For This Long


We have learned a lot about COVID vaccines in a short period of time. We know, for example, that all three vaccines are very effective and that they each have an excellent reputation for protection against hospitalization and death. And now, months after data collection began, we have another crucial piece of information: how long the vaccine will last. White House COVID Advisor Says Anthony Fauci, MD, you can expect to be protected by current vaccines for at least six months. Read on to learn more about Fauci’s assessment, and if you’re ready to make a vaccination plan, you can get your shot at any Walgreens by then.

If six months doesn’t seem like a lot to you, don’t panic: Fauci says there’s a very good chance the vaccines will last a little longer than that. As he explained in a March 3 interview with Wired, the researchers collected six months of data and confirmed that the vaccines continue to provide robust protection for at least that time. The CDC and the vaccine manufacturers themselves will continue to monitor antibody levels at regular intervals, until they find signs that protection levels are declining.

“What you do is follow people for a period of time, you measure the level of antibodies and you observe if there are any rupturing infections,” Fauci explained. “If it looks like after a year and a half the antibody levels go down and people start getting infections from rupture, then we know that after a year and a half we probably need to give them a shot. inch, ”he said.

Currently, Fauci says we know antibody levels are still expected to be elevated after six months “and possibly much longer” after the second doses of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. And although it can be confusing not to know exactly how long you will be protected, think of it this way: the longer you have to wait for a response, the better the results. Read on for more information on Fauci and for more information on vaccines you should not miss, Dr Fauci says not to do this after your first COVID vaccine.

The numbers may be down, but Fauci says now is not the time to rest on our laurels. “Let’s not declare victory yet, right?” You don’t want the decline we’re seeing to cap at an unreasonably high level, ”he said. Wired.

Fauci argued that the key to packing in new variants is to continue the aggressive practice of social security measures that have so far worked in our favor. “There is a principle in biology that viruses do not mutate unless you give them the opportunity to replicate,” he said. “The easiest way to prevent the spread in the community is to vaccinate as many people as possible at the same time as you stick to the public health measures of wearing masks, avoiding close contact, avoiding gathering places. ”And for the latest COVID news delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter.

Although this is the first pandemic for people under 100 to live, COVID is not the first public health crisis to be solved with vaccines. “Throughout our history, we have faced diseases that have threatened our health, our lives and even our survival. Smallpox, measles, polio – every one of them has been defeated by the vaccines, ”said Fauci.

“We are fortunate to already have three highly effective vaccines that have a very good safety profile. Soon we will have even more, ”he added. Now the task at hand is to get vaccines up to speed “in a very organized, quick and efficient manner,” says Fauci. And for more vaccine advice, the CDC says you don’t need to do this before your COVID vaccine.

When asked whether or not it would be beneficial to vaccinate more Americans with their initial doses of the vaccine and administer their second doses later, Fauci was convinced that, with a few exceptions, we should stick to it. at the initial two-dose schedule. at recommended intervals of 21 or 28 days.

“We don’t know how durable a single dose is,” Fauci warned. “And it’s conceivable if all you do is give people the first dose and significantly delay the second dose, you might have a decrease in effectiveness,” he warned. Fauci added that the second dose of the vaccine increases the antibody level “by at least tenfold,” which could explain the low levels of hospitalizations and deaths among those vaccinated – even those who have been exposed to more dangerous variants.

Finally, Fauci shared what he thought he had “learned about the American people” in the first year of the pandemic – and while that may be correct, it’s not particularly flattering. “I think we currently live in a very, very confrontational society. Almost divided right in the middle… This is the division in the extreme, where even public health measures take on a political connotation, where wearing a mask or not wearing a mask is a reflection of your political tendencies. It shouldn’t be, ”he said.

“Public health must be independent of political differences. But we haven’t seen that with the COVID-19 outbreak. We are all in the same boat and we must all unite. But apparently that doesn’t always happen, ”Fauci said. And to learn more about how long vaccines last, Pfizer’s CEO says that’s how often you’ll need a COVID vaccine.


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