Drones batteries could last longer if they could perch like birds


Drones Of Birds

Drones are not known for their long flight times. Until we know how to charge them wirelessly from the ground, their battery life will probably be less than an hour.

But by perching on the side of a building with claws shaped like a bird, according to a new study, drones could stay much longer outside – because they would require less energy than in the air .

"Birds usually fly somewhere and they stay on top of the roof or on tree limbs," said Kaiyu Hang, a robot scientist who worked on research at Yale University. NPR.

Perching and resting

Hang and his colleagues have imagined a bird-inspired motif that acts as a "modular lander" of the drone, as he describes in his article, published in the newspaper. Robotic science in March. The claws are designed to extend and save the battery by allowing the drone to perch and rest.

And modular claws could also have other benefits.

"If you perch, for example, under a bridge or under an eave of a building, you can cope with storms or inclement weather that would make your flight difficult," said Mark Cutkosky, professor at the ### 39, Stanford University. NPR.

READ MORE: If the drones had "claws", they could fly longer[[[[NPR]

More on the flight: Russia has built a ram drone to knock out drones from the sky


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