Drug tests show that it is possible to reverse biological age – BGR


The incessant march of time will eventually cost us our lives – or at least that is the reality we all expect. Unless we find the mythical fountain of youth, we can not do anything else to age, but new therapeutic trials suggest that this could eventually change, and the results even shocked the scientists who were conducting these experiments.

A study recently published in Aging cell reveals that a specific regiment of growth hormones and drugs looks promising in reversing a person's biological age. The research was conducted on a very small scale, with only nine adult participants and no control group, but the results are nonetheless fascinating.

For a year, the small group of volunteers held a strict medication routine that included growth hormone and a pair of drugs commonly used to treat diabetes. Their biological ages – which measure changes in a person's genetics over time and are commonly used to determine the age of their body relative to their chronological age – were followed for comparison purposes.

Once the experiment was over, it was determined that the biological age of the individuals was about 1.5 years younger than at the beginning of the previous year, which means that They were actually 2.5 years younger than they would have been at the end of the tests. The decrease in the biological age persisted for six months after the end of the trials by the participants.

"I was expecting to see a slowing down of the clock, but not a reversal," said geneticist Steve Horvath, who participated in the research, in a statement. "It was a bit futuristic."

The results are obviously significant, but it is worth repeating how small this study was. No firm judgment should be made about the effectiveness of such treatment with such a small sample, and researchers have pointed this out several times in their article. Nevertheless, it is an exciting discovery that certainly deserves further investigation.

Source of the image: Heinz Schmidbauer / imageBROKER / Shutterstock


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