‘Dynasty’ star Emma Samms talks about long symptoms of COVID


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  • Emma Samms, 60, revealed she was still suffering from symptoms and side effects of COVID-19 a year after her diagnosis.
  • The Dynasty star mainly faces constant fatigue and shortness of breath.
  • “Some days I can barely get out of bed and that’s the most incredibly frustrating thing,” she revealed in a new interview.

    A year after being diagnosed with COVID-19, Emma Samms is still struggling to feel healthier. In a recent interview with People, the General hospital the actress said she continued to experience symptoms as a long haul.

    “Everyone said, ’10 days and it’ll be over and you’ll come out the other side,’ she said. “But some days I can barely get out of bed and that’s the most incredibly frustrating thing.”

    The fatigue was particularly relentless. “It’s the kind you might imagine marathon runners feel when you see them stumbling across a finish line and they can barely stand,” she explained. “Some days I don’t want to get out of bed even though I have to go to the bathroom. Even that sounds like too much effort.

    The “awful feeling” that accompanies shortness of breath was also constant. “On a good day, I feel like there’s a little dog sitting on my chest,” she says. “On a bad day, it’s like an elephant. It’s so hard for me to catch my breath, to feel that there is enough oxygen in me.

    While most people can expect to recover within a few weeks of becoming ill from COVID-19, research shows that between 2% and 25% of people experience persistent symptoms.

    Known as ‘long-haul’ patients, these patients can experience a wide range of symptoms and side effects after a diagnosis of COVID-19, including fatigue, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, brain fog, etc., according to an investigation by Survivor Corps, a Facebook group for coronavirus survivors, and Natalie Lambert, Ph.D., of Indiana University School of Medicine.

    Doctors now refer to the condition as long or post-COVID COVID syndrome (PCS). Some studies suggest that only patients who have had symptoms for 12 weeks or more can be considered to have DBS, but many experts say that persistent symptoms can be qualified after four weeks.

    According to panelists during a webinar hosted by BMJ in September 2020, “deep fatigue” was one of the most common symptoms in people with long-term COVID, in addition to persistent cough, shortness of breath, body aches, and so on. Last month, the National Institute of Health (NIH) launched a new long-term COVID study as more research is needed on the prognosis, symptoms and treatment of the developing disease.

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    To shed light on the problem, Samms and the cast of Dynasty hosted a meeting as a fundraiser to raise funds and raise awareness around the long COVID, which will take place on March 20. In the meantime, she remains positive about her experience and looks forward to a full recovery.

    “I am well aware that I am one of the lucky ones. So many people have had much more horrific results from COVID, ”she said. “And I’m not going to allow myself to worry about being like this forever.”

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