E3 2019 Dreams – Show me how the remake of Final Fantasy VII is divided


With so much mystery surrounding one of the most anticipated titles of Square Enix, it's time for the publisher and the developer to tell us how Final Fantasy VII Remake will be split.

Final Fantasy VII is basically synonymous with "JRPG". When we think of gender as a whole, it's hard to think of a game that has had as much impact as Final Fantasy VII. Frankly, the JRGP would not be what they are today without this game, and the fact that it is redone is a treat in itself. Taking Cloud and his group of over-zealous companions in this adventure, saving the world and finally defeating Sephiroth, from a totally new perspective, is something that I have wanted to do for some time.

That's why, this E3, I hope Square Enix will unveil the way in which Remake of Final Fantasy VII is broken. When the game was first announced four years ago at E3 2015, Square Enix had stated that the game would be episodic. I not only remember first skipping my ceiling fan because of the excitement of the game's revelation, but I also remember that many fans were unhappy that the game was going to be interrupted.

Since the announcement of 2015, the remake has changed the development studios from CyberConnect2 to an internal development team at Square Enix. Remake of Final Fantasy VII has probably changed a lot in recent years, but despite the new revelation of the game in May, Square Enix continued to insist that the game would still be divided into several chapters. Now, I'm not here to discuss my opinions on episodic video games; At this point, I am at peace with the fact that the game will not be a singular experience. Now, I'm just curious how exactly Tetsuya Nomura and her team are going to break the Cloud adventure.

I have some of my own theories based on what we have seen so far. It is undeniable that the first episode will have a larger version than ever of Midgar. But how far will we be from outside Midgar before seeing the credits of the first game? Some have speculated that the game would end when the player leaves the city for the first time. However, I do not think that will be the case.

I personally think Remake of Final Fantasy VII will work better as two parts. And you probably know where I'm coming from, but ending the first episode on Aerith's game-changing scene seems like the perfect place to drop us.

E3 2019 Dreams - Show me how the remake of Final Fantasy VII is divided

That the first part does not end on one of the most iconic scenes in the history of the game would be a huge failure, especially after waiting for something substantial about the game in almost five years. Obviously, we know the story of the original game and the wide variety of platforms available. But I would not be surprised if the canonical chronology of Final Fantasy VII is changed in Remake of Final Fantasy VII.

I would probably keep any information about Zack or Vincent outside the first episode; Nomura must be cautious in her work and will probably receive some kind of criticism in both cases. I think that for the first episode to be effective, not only must it end in beauty, but it must give long-time fans of the game hope for the second episode. Of course, this assumes that the game is in two parts, which some rumors on the Internet seem to suggest. While Aerith's scene is the most heartbreaking, Zack and Vincent also act as compelling bows for the story to explore. Two parts are probably for the better, as the third act in Final Fantasy VII becomes a bit weird, as always in this series. I can only speculate that the first episode will be the best of both.

Final Fantasy VII

Speaking of history, we have not even plunged into the other beast that is the progression of the character. I guess we can only assume that Square Enix will have all your stats reported in the following games; it would be a bit ridiculous to remove everything or let us start with predefined statistics. How are we going to learn everyone's last break? There are so many additional questions in addition to the story.

I thought about Remake of Final Fantasy VII since it's been revealed for the first time. Whether the game is amazing or good, it will undoubtedly be a joy to live. I guess that's probably what Kingdom Hearts the fans felt about the third game of this series. Lord, help yourself if you are a fan of both. We know for a fact that Remake of Final Fantasy VII will make an appearance at E3 2019, and it is time that Square Enix finally shows us everything we need to know about one of the most anticipated titles of the video game. Make sure you let me know how you think the headline will be divided in the comments section.

As you approach E3, what do you want to see the most at this year's show? What is your dream scenario? Make sure to let us know in the comments. Finally, be sure to check out some of the other hopes and dreams of E3 2019 among others DualShockers writers.


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