Ear seeds – How to use ear seeds, how they work, where to buy them


new york, new york nov 23 a guest visits ear seeding station by yinova at popsugars very first winter wonderland from sugar cabin at bryant park on nov 23 2019 in new york photo by astrid stawiarzgetty images for popsugar

Astrid StawiarzGetty Images

Of course, your necklace looks pretty around your neck, your dangling earrings add style to your outfit, and your chunky ring spices up your pretty manicure. But these jewels don’t do any * work * for you, you know? It’s time to try ear seeds– small ear accessories that can actually be used as mental health tools to reduce pain and be healthy.

Ear seeding, or auriculotherapy – a practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine that involves placing a small seed (or a metal or ceramic bead with an adhesive, which is more common these days) on your cartilage and outer ear – can trigger changes in your nervous system and, in turn, your body and vibration. So if you are suffering from issues like stress, allergies, digestion issues, back pain etc.

And while there are tons of supposed benefits, you’ll want more information on some of the ins and outs of ear seeding before you start pasting them all over your ears. Understandable. Here are all your questions about auricular seeds, answered by a doctor of internal medicine, a qualified acupuncturist, and a holistic practitioner. In short, your ears are in good hands.

What do you use ear seeds for, exactly?

You use ear seeds as a method to soothe ailments of mind and body, even if they are particularly painful. “You can put an auricular seed on any of the different points in your ear, depending on what kind of therapeutic benefit you want,” says Shari Auth, DACM, holistic practitioner and co-founder of the WTHN Acupressure Studio.

“In Chinese medicine, the ear is a microsystem of the whole body with dozens of pressure points that do different things: relieve pain, stimulate digestion, balance hormones, calm the mind or help you sleep”, explains Auth. And while the ear seeds don’t work at once, by themselves, they can move your energy quite quickly and, more importantly, efficiently.

How does the sowing of the ears work?

The theory is that acupressure points in the ear correspond to spots on your body, and by placing the bead, you are telling your nervous system to turn down pain receptors and stress hormones impacting the body. area, says Tiffany Lester, MD, internist and acupuncturist at Parsley Health.

How quickly this happens depends on the problem. Are you in serious pain? It may take a day or two. If you are using seeds for stress, however, you should relax within an hour of application.

How to apply the seeds of ears?

Your seed placement doesn’t have to be exact to work, so it’s foolproof enough for DIY; you can buy ear seeds from Amazon or other online retailers. Search Google for “auricular seed diagram” to find an atrial acupressure map that indicates where to place based on disease.

If you feel more comfortable having it done by a pro, you can have the seeds professionally applied in some spas and alternative medicine practices, although this will cost $ 35-85 for jewelry and will involve some process. of 10 minutes.

Are Ear Seeds Safe to Try?

Yes. Ear seeds are pretty much harmless and shouldn’t cause pain at all. You can even press down on your beads with your fingers when you want to increase the benefits of acupressure (for example, if you’re feeling more anxious than normal and in need of a rush of ahhh), says Auth. A little red dot may appear on your ear, but it’s nothing more than a baby bruise. Just make sure you don’t wear them for more than a week, to avoid swelling or uncomfortable pain, Lester explains. Well received.

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