Eating mushrooms can halve your risk of dementia: study


If in doubt, be sure to order additional mushrooms on this pizza – this could reduce by 50% the risk of brain decline during your third year, according to new data from the Yong NUS School of Medicine Loo Lin.

Researchers at Singapore's Department of Psychological Medicine and Department of Biochemistry say that two standard cooked portions (about 300 grams) of mushrooms a week halve the chances of developing mild cognitive impairment (MCI).

People with MCI are known to have low levels of amino acid called ergothioneine (ET).

"AND is a unique antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that humans can not synthesize on their own," says Irwin Cheah, a senior biochemistry researcher at the National University of Singapore. "But it can be obtained from food sources, one of the main ones being mushrooms."

The researchers say the results of this six-year study could result in easily accessible health benefits for people 60 years and older.

"This correlation is surprising and encouraging," says Feng Lei, an assistant professor at NUS Psychological Medicine. "It seems that only one commonly available ingredient could have a dramatic effect on cognitive decline."


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