Eating nuts during pregnancy can improve children's brain health


To state the obvious: pregnancy completely changes the life of a woman. Suddenly, what you do, say and eat has a lot more importance because you have a person who will soon become in you and whatever you do can affect it or not. But the latest study from the Institute of Global Health in Barcelona (ISGlobal) is promising and delicious, especially if you like to eat nuts.

As we know, nuts have a multitude of benefits, ranging from their magnesium content and healthy fats to their ability to protect the health of our brains. Apart from that, they can play a tasty and satiating role in any kind of plant-based diet, ketogenic or really (unless you're allergic).

And now, ISGlobal researchers have combined a nut-rich diet during pregnancy with better brain development for their children. That's right, while waiting for moms, there's no time like the first quarter to eat a spoonful of almond butter, it seems.

The study of 2,200 mothers was conducted in Spain, where participants completed questionnaires about their eating habits in the first and last trimesters of pregnancy. After birth, the neuropsychological development of their children was evaluated with the aid of several internationally validated tests. These tests were administered at 18 months, 5 years and 8 years after birth.

The results showed that mothers who ate nuts in their first trimester had better results in terms of cognitive function, attention span, and long-term working memory.

"This is the first study to explore the potential long-term benefits of nut consumption during the neurological development of the child," said Florence Gignac, researcher at ISGlobal and first author of the # 39; study. "The brain undergoes a series of complex processes during pregnancy, which means that maternal nutrition is a determining factor in brain development of the fetus and can have long-term effects.

"The nuts we looked at in this study were nuts, almonds, peanuts, pine nuts and hazelnuts, and we think the beneficial effects could be due to the fact that the nuts provided high levels. Folic acid essential fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6 .These components tend to accumulate in nerve tissue, especially in the frontal regions of the brain, which influences the memory and the immune system. executive functions. "

Since it is the first study to establish this link, we recommend that you pass this information to your doctor for a second opinion before significantly increasing your consumption of nuts. . Whether they are pregnant or not, walnuts have a lot to offer to all of us, humans. So yes, you can still eat them – get the green light before going crazy.


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