Eating red meat once a day increases by a fifth the risk of intestinal cancer


reAccording to the Health Division's guidelines, although meat is a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals, people should reduce their consumption of red and processed meat to about 70 grams a day, which is the number of people who eat meat. equivalent of about three slices of bacon.

For the new study, published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, experts looked at data from 475,581 people aged 40 to 69 at the start of the study and followed them for an average of 5, 7 years.

During this period, 2,609 people developed bowel cancer.

The new study found that people consuming an average of 76 grams of red meat and processed on average had a 20% higher risk of bowel cancer compared to those who ate 21 grams a day.

For processed meat only, the risk was 19% higher for those who ate an average of 29g per day – about a bacon knife or a slice of ham – compared to those who ate an average of 5g per day.

And for unprocessed red meats, the risk was 15% higher for people who ate 54 grams a day – about a big slice of roast beef or a lamb chop – on average compared to those who consumed 8 g per day.

The study also found that the risk of bowel cancer was 14% lower among people consuming the most fiber from bread cereals and breakfast.

About one in 15 men and one in 18 women will develop cancer of the bowel during their lifetime.

Professor Tim Key, cancer and oncology expert for Cancer Research UK, co-author of the study and deputy director of the university's cancer epidemiology unit. Oxford, said: "Our results strongly suggest that people who consume red meat and processed at least four may develop intestinal cancer more often per week than those who consume red meat and processed meat less than twice a week.

"There is substantial evidence that red and processed meat is linked to cancer of the intestine, and the World Health Organization classifies processed meat as a carcinogen and red meat as probably carcinogenic.

"Most of the previous research was about people in the 1990s or before, and diets have changed dramatically since then, so our study provides a more up-to-date picture that is relevant to meat consumption today."


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