Ebola: Uganda in danger while Congo ignites



The east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is climbing again, with a resurgence of violence that has forced tens of thousands of people to flee their homes.
The attacks, which began on March 30 in Beni, North Kivu, intensified in recent weeks and could worsen for people stranded between the Ugandan border and a region of the DRC terrorized by armed groups. close to the Ebola outbreak. 1000 people were killed, warned humanitarian agencies Friday, May 3.
In April alone, local health authorities in these areas reported that more than 60,000 people had been displaced, including about 7,000 at a school one kilometer from the border crossing point with Uganda.

The region lacks essential elements, including water – the only water available to drink comes from the river and there are only a few toilets in the school, which means that the risk of spreading the disease is high.
In addition, no food is provided and, for many people, the only way to feed themselves is to return to their villages where they are not safe because the risk of violence is high.
"This is a very worrying situation. These people are afraid to return home and are forced to live in unsanitary and unhealthy conditions in an area where the Ebola virus poses a significant threat.

"These people are in urgent need of food, adequate sanitation, clean water and health services," said Tamba Emmanuel Danmbi-saa, Oxfam's humanitarian program manager in the DRC.
Oxfam is one of 18 humanitarian organizations who have said that ongoing violence in the region makes it extremely difficult to provide assistance from the DRC and that Ugandan authorities are preparing to welcome an influx of new refugees.
In Uganda, IDPs may have greater access to basic services, including health care, and the protection they need.

However, there is serious concern that reports of people preventing the crossing of the border in Uganda using at least sixteen official passages.
As a result, some displaced persons have no choice but to return to the villages where they fled, where they risk further attacks, while others avoid crossing points. officials and choose to cross the forests illegally along the border or by boat on Lake Albert.

They increase the risk of spreading the Ebola virus because people are not controlled as they would be at official border crossings.
"These unofficial crossings place people seeking refuge on an increased and totally unnecessary risk of sexual exploitation and abuse. Once in Uganda, they also avoid official immigration procedures and registration as refugees, which means that they may not be subject to Ebola screening and that they will no longer be able to use the services prepared to help them, "said Francis Iwa, Executive Director of Care. for forced migrants.
As the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the Ugandan government prepare to welcome IDPs, relief agencies are calling on governments on both sides of the border to work with the humanitarian community to protect IDPs and provide Help they urgently need.

"We estimate that at least 30,000 children have been displaced in this violence and are now living in squalid conditions. Many of these children would have witnessed terrifying violence, attacked family members and destroyed houses.
"Now they are exposed to diseases like Ebola, which is hitting children the hardest. This is unacceptable and needs to be addressed now, "said Heather Kerr, national director of Save the Children in the DRC.
Humanitarian organizations call on the Congolese and Ugandan authorities, UNHCR, international organizations and donors to urgently pool resources so that people receive the help they need as quickly as possible, in addition to ensure that they are ready to face a new influx of refugees DR Congo


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