Ángela Becerra resurrects the first women's strike in Colombia


"I found a treasure because she looked for me." If I had not put the television at two o'clock in the morning, I would have started writing another novel, but the stories are looking for one and I think if they deem you worthy, they will fertilize you, and that's what happened with that story, said Becerra in an interview with Efe.

The writer, born in Cali in 1957, tells 816 pages of the history of Bathsheba ThornI was leading the textile workers' strike and for which "there is very little information", despite their importance in the fight for decent working conditions and in the defense of women's rights.

The Espinal-led strike began on February 12, 1920 in the metropolitan area of ​​Medellín and led the union leader to organize a workers' demonstration of a textile factory against exploitation, abuse and degrading conditions. in which they worked

PThe novel is a cry of these women and their need to claim their rights, a claim against conditions that today would seem absurd as having access to the bathroom or wearing shoes in their work and a call for equality in their relationships. in access to their rights.

"I fell in love with Bathsheba with this strength and I identify a lot with her, which is why it is so easy for me to badume her personality and to be able to rebuild her because she is incomplete in terms of time, experiences.It is only visible for three weeks or four that last the strike, "said Becerra.

The story takes place in a Medellin of the early twentieth century marked by social contrasts and major technological changes that represents, with Paris, the backdrop of this story of dramas and heroism that cross their protagonists .

"The more I sought, the more I wanted to go into history, because that would also make me travel back in time until the beginning of the century, not only in Medellin (…) I will also meet the revolutionary Paris and I would have liked to live in my flesh, but thanks to the novel, I was able to do it, "says the author.

The novel, winner of 2019 Lara Awards, plunges the reader into the heroine's life as she also discusses her relationship with her "mentally insane" mother, her deep but complex friendship with Capitolina, her impossible love with Emmanuel Le Blue and the strike that led her and which gave him a place in history.

"I was frustrated at not having the opportunity to rebel as a teenager, so I was stuck and Bathsheba gave me the opportunity to release what we had been melted," he said. there.

For the writer, laureate of the 2005, 2006 and 2007 Latin Literature Award of the Novor 2005 Azorín Prize, the 2005 Colombian Fiction Book Award and the Ibero-American Narrative Planet-House of America Prize are the prelude to novels part "more exciting".

For example, "Someday, today" involved the parallel drafting of a 300-page resource book, research to support his latest novel, among books, photographs and library materials Eafit and from the Public Pilot who led it to work year.

"It's when you start to investigate, when you start to describe, to carve the characters, when you start to see where they are going to walk, what's the scenario.It's there that you start to live." Other life, the life that will be that of the novel, "says Becerra.

The writer manages to combine the reality of one of the most important episodes of the rights claim in Latin America and the magical product of the fabulation of characters, scenarios and nature, constants of their "magical idealism" .

"I think he's connected with me, I think in other novels, there was the germ of that because in every female character, I've always tried to reflect their strength, and I think it was as if the dam had been opened and everything had come out, but it was latent, "he adds.

In novels that he wrote before "One day, today," Becerra has moved away from "excuses for women's weakness," so it's possible to recognize in them the germ of this need related to the struggle of women. .

That's why Becerra enthusiastically defends this movement that "exalts" talent, "appreciates intelligence" and the "feeling" feminist.

"We are 52% of the brains of the world and we can not be lost, how can the world lose 52% of the brains?", Sentence. EFE

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