Argentinian crisis fueling creativity in theater, says Darín – La República EC


"It's almost like a resistance to the crisis, creativity feeds, I have that feeling. That is not to say that it is necessarily good and that you have to go through a crisis, but there are countless people who, no matter what their of the batteries and, sometimes with almost nothing, staged fabulous works "said the actor at a press conference.

Darín said theatrical activity in Argentina, in general, and in Buenos Aires, in particular, is gaining momentum, with the emergence of theater groups at all levels putting their ideas into action. on stage, in an auditorium. or in the yard of a house.

"It's almost like a resistance to the crisis," said the actor.

Pietra, who also appeared before the Chilean media, said in the same way that in Argentina, there is more and more theater, commercial or alternative, which does not leave enough time to see everything.

The two actors will represent "Escenas of married life", under the direction of Argentina Norma Aleandro, at the CorpArtes Theater in Santiago, Chile, five times between May 29 and June 2.

This is the third time that Darín travels to Chile with this original work of Swedish Ingmar Bergman, but it is the first time that the actress who gives him a replica on stage is Pietra.

Previously, Argentina's Valeria Bertuccelli and Érica Rivas played this role.

The two actresses accused Darín in the past of ill-treatment, a topic on which the actor did not want to speak during the press conference in Santiago and acknowledged that he had "crossed" because he "pursues everywhere like a big wheel". .

As for the theatrical work, a dramatic comedy puts to the public the vicissitudes of a marriage and the relationships between husband and wife that they maintain after their divorce, Darín said that is very valid "and that" the public adopts ", despite the already represents for several years in different countries.

"It's the validity of the conflicts that man has always encountered, how to deal with human relationships, and this type of relationship is one of the strongest that can exist in life: the choice we make to join someone and move on, "said Darin.

Pietra commented in this regard that this work is related to "spying on a marriage" and shows a kind of relationship between two human beings that interests everyone.

rfg / cfa

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