#DatoHavoline The FSF 2018 deficit equates to almost 3.5 Ecuadorian wickets in qualifying


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Source: StudioFootball

The economic report generated alerts yesterday afternoon at the Ordinary Congress of the Ecuadorian Football Federation which was held in Guayaquil. According to the official report, the deficit in 2018 amounted to $ 4,761,438, or 31 cents.

The flamboyant president of the FSF, Francisco Egas, did not hide his concern on this issue but felt at the same time that it was not too serious, stressing that the work should be done as quickly as possible, according to statements to the media yesterday afternoon.

Among the situations that could have caused this deficit, it is possible to mention that the FSF was dragging debts, non-clbadification at the World Cup of Russia and the loss of that of another sponsor.

To put this figure in context, we give as an example a local qualifying match that had a full flag stadium, the controversial match between Ecuador and Colombia in March 2017 raised $ 1,367,980. You will need 3.5 lockers like these to make up the deficit, which is very difficult because local team games are rare every year.

Another example is that only the deficit would correspond almost to the amount of one of the years of the contract signed by the FEF for the television rights of the selection of the Qatar 2022 cycle, identical to those granted to the company Servisky. in about 20 million.

Now Egas and its board of directors will have to adjust the belt and obtain new sources of revenue to recover the economic value of the FSF.

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