De Waal Goya's baby and mixes the classic and the modern in New York Frick – La República EC


The museum of the house that houses the collection of art of the steel mogul Henry Clay Frick It's one of the most important references in New York art European, and the paintings of Constable, Turner, Velázquez or Titian now there are small porcelain, steel and gold sculptures that play to contrast the "rhythms" of the works of art who surround them.

The steel in the works is not only a metaphor for the tycoon – he gets rich with his craft – but he also drinks directly in Goya's "La Forge", as De Waal explained himself (Nottingham , 1964), present in the film. presentation of his new installation, the first of the artist in the United States.

"When they invited me to do this installation and I wondered how to approach this extraordinary collection of collections, I kept coming back to this image," La Forja ", and when I saw it, I listened to it: the sound of the hammer on the metal, this percussion. It's like a piece of music, "explained the artist and the writer with one of his pieces, showing the painting of the Spanish artist.

The painting gathers three characters, two of them with black clothes, an outfit and a red iron on one anvil, while the other, dressed in white, brandishes a tall hammer high, about to descend and hit the metal .

The nine British works are composed of porcelain and metal cylinders, painted steel boxes and porcelain bowls, some with gold interiors, as well as large alabaster leaves, all with the aim of summarizing the Frick's life. and how he came out of nowhere to become a big collector of art.

Unlike the large showcases that house the facilities – "thresholds" at his work, according to De Waal -, large paintings by Tintoretto or Bellini, huge gold watches or portraits of the former owner of the palace English in the middle of Manhattan, Henry Clay Frick.

Some of them are prominent and play with the view of the visitor contemplating the works. Others are hidden, on the ground floor and between the books, as a reward for those who want to see them all.

This bet on the art Contemporary squares with the history of the Frick collection Ian Wardropper, how the rich steel mogul began to get pieces of art: for thirty years, he opts for the contemporary, before embarking on the acquisition of pieces of the Masters Anciens for his collection.

De Waal was reminded excited about his first visit to Frick, with seventeen years and having fled the institute, and the impact the gallery had on him.

"My hope is that people understand that this installation is the result of a long love story with this collection, which is an attempt of conversation with the art, with the spaces, with the way the light changes inside the building and with the way the visitor moves through the spaces. If it works, I'm happy, " details the creator.

The exhibition is accompanied by a catalog with an essay on the nine works of De Waal, as well as entries for each part of the tour made by the curator of the museum, Charlotte Vignon. EFE

Photo courtesy of The Frick Collection where a work by British artist Edmund De Waal was installed in front of a painting in the dining room of the Museum House in New York (United States). New York's Frick collection has welcomed the new temporary installation of the famous British artist Edmund De Waal since Thursday, in which the sculptor drinks "The Forge" from the Spanish painter Francisco de Goya to inspire the use of the Steel and mix clbadical art. and the modern. EFE / Christopher Burke / Edmund de Waal – The Frick Collection /

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