Eva Longoria, an absolute fan of Dora: "She is the first Latin superhero"


Los Angeles (USA) .- At the forefront of a totally Hispanic story and cast, Eva Longoria che did with Efe about the film adaptation of the series "Dora the Explorer » and praised this character for being "The first Latin superhero" and to become a global phenomenon thanks to "his infinite optimism".

Longoria (Corpus Christi, USA, 1975) plays the mother of the young enthusiastic adventurer in "Dora and the Lost City of Gold", James Bobin's cbadette which will arrive on August 9 in American theaters. with Isabela Moner as a radiant protagonist in a cast with a lot of Hispanic flavor in which they also stand out Eugenio Derbez, Michael Peña, Danny Trejo and Benicio del Toro.

Question: You probably knew Dora before making this tape. Why do you think he's become such an iconic character?

Answer: I thought that he was an iconic character only for the Latino community. But when it was announced that I was going to do this movie, many people called me from Spain, from England, from Germany … It was like : "I can not believe you're going to do Dora's movie! I love Dora, my daughter loves Dora … ". And I thought, "How do you know who Dora is?"

I discovered that it was a world icon. Children all over the world are growing up with her, they know who she is and they love it. I think it's his infinite optimism and his positivity that make her unique.

Q.- In the movie, you play Elena, Dora's mother. And in real life, you were a mother for the first time last year. Did your maternity help you build this character?

A.- Yes, I mean, it was the first time I played with a mother while she was a mother. All my instincts were therefore upside down because I had never had a mother's point of view to guide me in a character.

During the movie, Michael (Peña, who gives life to Dora's father) and I often asked myself things like, "Oh, no, it's a bit dangerous. I'll leave that to our daughter, catch a snake … " And the director said: "It's Dora, it's not his daughter: Dora has to do these things in the movie" (laughs).Q.- Why is Isabela Moner the perfect choice to play Dora?

A. – She is special, she is a special young woman. He is kind and looks a lot like Dora: optimistic, intelligent, wise beyond his years. But, at the same time, he has this beautiful innocence not only in his appearance but also in his heart. I can not imagine that anyone else plays this role: he just nailed it.

Q.- In Hollywood, we have heard a lot recently that "representation is important," so much so that it's almost a cliché. But as a Latin woman who grew up in the United States, why do you think it's important that kids see a Latin girl featured in a great movie like this?

R. It's the first Latin superhero we have. It is therefore the responsibility to represent Latinos positively on the big screen. And no one does it better than Dora's character.

Yes, I think diversity has become the best thing to do, but what I like in this film is that it's not just like checking out this box and that's all: it's authentically Latin with Dora in the center.

It reflects the best of our culture, the family, and I think it's a universal problem that everyone can identify with, but at the same time is very specific to Hispanic culture. And I think seeing this brave, smart, funny, fearless and loving little girl can be a source of inspiration and aspiration for girls.

P.- In this film, there is a Latin story, with a Latin background and a Latin distribution almost one hundred percent, but now Latinos are going through a very difficult period in the United States. What kind of message can a band like this send to society?

A.- I think that a simple positive portrait of Latinos in the cinema can really thwart what we currently see in the media and news, which are usually negative portraits. I think it's refreshing to see the contributions of a global icon like Dora. This has changed many lives: he has taught English in some countries, he has taught Spanish in others …

So, especially at a time when Latinos are portrayed as evil, it's good that a beautiful story like that of Dora be published. EFE

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