The artist Mateo Blanco pays tribute to Hopi and "Star Wars" in his new work – La República EC


Blanco, who uses all kinds of elements of nature and objects to create his works, chose this time a solid material, such as rope or cabuya, as a metaphor for the sufferings of women and men. strength they have to continue to grow and advance life, according to Eduardo Serrano, curator and art critic.

But also with this sculpture, the artist seeks to introduce the public to the influences of Hopi culture in film and other arts.

The hairstyle of the girl represented in the work is the same as that of the famous princess Leia in the saga of George Lucas "Star Wars" and has become a representation of the feminine force.

PBut few people know that these runners on both sides of the head are traditional among the Hopi, a native people of North America with about 20,000 members, according to the 2010 census.

"On a recent trip to Arizona with my parents, I was able to reconnect with my roots, my mother is a descendant of Native Americans and so I wanted to create a sculpture that is a tribute to her and our ancestors" Blanco explains.

FAnnounced as "Star Wars," the artist believes that "Hopi Girl" also offers an "excellent opportunity to draw attention to the influences of the Hopi tribe on our culture."

The Orlando-born artist, also tenor and who presented his first exhibition in Miami in 2017, has made himself known for his portraits made with unusual materials, some of which are even edible.

Chocolate, peanuts, playing cards and dice, dog hair, Colombian coffee, sugar, feathers, pieces of fabric and puppet eyes have all contributed to Blanco's creativity.

One of his most important works to date, exposed in the The museum Slugger of Louisville (Kentucky, USA), is a portrait of the actress Jennifer Lawrence made with 10,000 grains of peanuts.

The Colombian actress Sofía Vergara has represented it in three dimensions with colorful feathers.

As he says, "everything can become a work of art". EFE

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