"Fidel is very happy with BSC, there are proposals but there is no formal offer"


Raphael Carrion / API

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Source: StudioFootball

José Chamorro, agent of Fidel Martínez, spoke about the situation of the current scorer of the yellow team. Much has been said about a possible departure, but the representative himself said that Martinez was happy in Barcelona, ​​without rejecting any offer from outside.

"Fidel set up a resolution clause in July, he is very happy here, several clubs have proposed a project but no official offer is proposed to him.The day that Fidel Martínez will change his institution, his institution will be better than Barcelona and the outside, "said Chamorro.

José Chamorro talks about the contractual situation of Mario Pineida and Fidel Martínez with @BarcelonaSC and Fernando Gaibor in Independiente. pic.twitter.com/zHdeZzEr7p

– Christian Carrasco (@ ccarrasco750) May 31, 2019

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