July Room – Fundación de Guayaquil 2019


Guayaquil.- "July Hall – Guayaquil Foundation » presents its programming for these holidays in Julien:

Wednesday, June 19: At 5 pm in the Municipal Auditorium, the special program will be presented on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the July Fair.

5:45 pm Conference of the artist and art critic Hellen Constant.

Thursday 20th: Inauguration of the exhibition at Nahim Isaiah Museum, where lectures will be given.

11:00 am July Fair winner's conference Christian Moreano
11:30 Artist Conference and Art Critic María José Félix.
12.00 pm Confession of the artist and art critic Robin Echanique.

Friday, June 21: Inauguration of the exhibition at el Presley Norton Museum
11:00 am Artist conference and art critic Larissa Marangoni
11:30 am Conference of the artist and cultural leader Mirko Rodic
12:00 pm Conference of Julio Hall winner Billy Soto

More information on www.museoarteyciudad.com

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