Moncayo offers an honest administration for Quito – La República EC


Moncayo during a visit to the Santa Clara market. Photo taken from the Moncayo press team

Candidate Paco Moncayo at Quito City Hall for Democratic Left Party Raised building the trust of citizens. Moncayo was already mayor of the capital for two consecutive periods, the first from 2000 to 2004 and the second from 2004 to 2009.

The candidate to the Democratic Left ensures that he will promote immediate actions to improve citizens' safety, garbage collection, ordering informal trade, modernizing the public transport system, improving roads in the city and its parishes; important projects in the fields of health, education, housing, job creation, environmental protection and tourism promotion mainly.

On the other hand, in the administrative field, it has been proposed to transform collected works into works and by practicing values ​​such as: honesty, responsibility, solidarity, etc., while leaving side corruption.

Moncayo added: "We will work for Quito and Pichincha to return to the place they deserve. Everything is planned and we will do it"

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