Moreno claims to have "nothing to do" with his brother's offshore company – La República EC


Quito (Pichincha), February 20, 2019. – The President of the Republic, Lenin Moreno, participated in the signing of the Declaration of Chapultepec, which ratifies the commitment of the national government in favor of freedom of expression and the press. The act took place in the chapel of the man. Fredy Constant / Presidency of the Republic.

President Lenin Moreno denied Wednesday any relationship with two offshore companies attributed to his brother Edwin following an investigation into the journalists Christian Zurita and Fernando Villavicencio disclosed on the site. Source.

"They attacked my honor and that of my family with a series of data and scribbles that have nothing to do with me," said Moreno in the Capilla del Hombre, where he signed the Chapultepec declaration.

The president has not deepened the investigation of journalists Christian Zurita Ron and Fernando Villavicencio, published Tuesday and titled "The maze" off "the presidential circle." It is badured that Ina Investment Corporation is a company offshore "is linked to Xavier Macías Carmigniani, his wife María Auxiliadora Patiño Herdoiza and the family of the president of Ecuador, Lenín Moreno. "

Anti-corruption secretary Iván Granda said on Tuesday that "in none of these issues the president is bound, therefore questions should be addressed to the citizens mentioned in the note."

"The president said with absolute clarity that he did not get his hands on the fire for anyone," added the official.

Villavicencio announced Wednesday on his Twitter account that he would visit the Attorney General's office on Thursday to hand over to Attorney General Ruth Palacios "information on operations". at sea friends and family of President Moreno ". (I)

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