Rescalvo: "We took a point at Emelec, but we deserved more"


Source: StudioFootball

Ismael Rescalvo, technical director of Independiente del Valle, spoke with the media after the draw against Emelec. Although they deserved to win and the victory was not achieved, the teacher was happy.

"Fatigue was present especially in the second half, we did it first and we were superior to Emelec, we just lacked concrete, Dreer was for me the party figure," said the Iberian strategist.

"I think we have to be happy with the game we played against a very good rival, we knew that they were going to watch us when our legs were missing, but we had maturity and defensive solidity." is not bad, but we deserve more, "added the professor.

"All players will be served by these matches and this clbad of rivals." The team had the calm to hold the last pushes, we were better in the game and we had to defend the ball well. had character and personality to come into this stage, "Rescalvo said.

Note from: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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