(VIDEO) Luis Manfredi: "I came to treat someone who was already sick"


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Source: StudioFootball

This Thursday, Luis Manfredi, director of the PRO League, followed the program DIRECTV DEBATE FOOTBALL where he discussed in detail the news of the championship and the future of Ecuadorian football.

Manfredi said the system put in place by the PRO League is proven and will have positive results for the national football. "The procedures and techniques implemented by the La Liga Pro have proven their success and value with all kinds of indicators of the Spanish League, as impressive results in terms of the system's efficiency."

The director drew a parallel with the situation of Ecuadorian football and said that it can take 5 to 6 years to see improvements like in the Spanish League. "I came to care for someone who was already sick."

He also explained that economic resources should be used to put in place a structure that helps to protect teams so that they can support themselves.

Luis Manfredi in #DebateFubtol by @DIRECTVEcuador "The procedures and techniques implemented by #LigaPro they have proven their success and value with all kinds of indicators of the Spanish League, which have had impressive results for the efficiency of the system. " pic.twitter.com/Ysw97jfLoy

– StudioFootball (@StudioFutbol) April 26, 2019

Luis Manfredi, director of @LigaProECexplains that economic resources must be used to put in place a structure that helps to protect teams so that they can support themselves. #DebateFutbolxDIRECTV pic.twitter.com/7qgpKJMNF8

– DIRECTV Ecuador (@DIRECTVEcuador) April 26, 2019

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