(VIDEOS) Fans of El Nacional, furious: "FUERA MANJARREZ"


Source: StudioFootball

A MADNESS. El Nacional fans lost patience yesterday after the defeat of their team against the college technician at the Atahualpa Olympic Stadium in Quito.

And are the "reds" already in eleventh place. That would not come down, since La Liga PRO would save them by 2019, but they will have to pay a fine of $ 700,000.

Some media sources echoed and posted videos of the bitter moment.

The colleague Didi Gómez, from ÁREA DEPORTIVA, said the journalists entered a secondary door, going through the courthouse, to avoid falling into the raging crowd.

The message is clear, the fans want to go to Tito Manjarrez.

We leave the images at your disposal!

Problems in the outer part of Atahualpa Olympic Stadium. Fans of "the red tide" upset by the latest results from the National. pic.twitter.com/HcdCoVGWuE

– Didi Gómez (@didigomezz) November 29, 2018

? The fans of @elnacionalec They show their discomfort towards General Tito Manjarrez.

Informa @pep_mera 104.1 FM pic.twitter.com/majknBVwTY

– Mundo Deportivo EC (@mundodeporfm) November 29, 2018

Note from: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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