Eggs: are they good or bad for your health?


Eating eggs in moderation may be beneficial for heart health, but recent research indicates that excessive consumption of eggs is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. The risk identified in the JAMA study was related to the consumption of three to four additional eggs per week, or 300 mg of dietary cholesterol per day, in addition to your usual diet. Previous studies show that the risk of heart disease is reduced and that there is no risk of heart disease in those who eat up to one egg a day.
Although eggs provide protein, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients, yolk is also a major source of cholesterol. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, the yellow of a large raw egg contains 184 milligrams of cholesterol.

If you do not know if egg consumption is good for you, you are not alone. Let's look at the historical journey of the egg and see how research has evolved over the years.

5400 BC JC: here! A new food source easy to hunt

The chickens, right, descend from birds like the red junglefowl.
The oldest fossil-like fossils date from 5400 BC. AD in Southeast Asia, according to the Smithsonian. Confirmation with genetic material shows that today 's chickens descend from several prehistoric birds, one of them being the red junglefowl. The male junglefowl has spurs on the lower legs that people have found useful for rooster hunting. The domestic chicken of today has a gene that controls reproduction and allows it to lay hundreds of eggs throughout the year. With domestication, chickens were introduced to the world market commercially about 3,000 years ago.

Early 1900s title: egg production becomes safer

Families used chickens and their eggs both as a source of income and for their own use. In the early 1920s, conditions such as seasonality and poor storage contributed to the deterioration of conditions for chickens. When the animals were transported indoors in the 1930s, they were protected from environmental factors – weather conditions, large animals, diseases – and their health improved.
One egg a day could reduce your risk of heart disease, study finds

Title from the 1950s and 1960s: A chicken in each pot

As production increased and more hens survived, farmers noticed that their egg production was increasing. The chicken industry has become more affordable, as opposed to its previous role as a luxury food.

1968 title: American Heart Association makes a strict recommendation

The group's first recommendations included no more than 300 milligrams of cholesterol per day and no more than three eggs per week. This was based on debatable animal and clinical studies. These animals are often herbivores, less able to digest food cholesterol than omnivores like humans. In addition, clinical studies did not take into account other sources of cholesterol found in a typical diet. With more research, the guidelines have been changed.

Title of 1970: Hiring of egg inspectors

As hens became more productive, food scientists and egg farmers understood the need for a new policy. Congress passed the Egg Products Inspection Act, which guaranteed egg safety for consumers.

1976 title: A fictitious boxer drinks raw eggs

The character of Stallone prepares his
Rocky, the famous boxer Sylvester Stallone, has drunk raw eggs in the blockbuster movie. But research has since shown that there was more protein available for digestion in cooked eggs (about 91%) than raw eggs (about 51%). The consumption of raw eggs also increases the risk of contracting salmonella bacteria and developing a deficiency of biotin, an important vitamin for the skin, hair and nails. The eggs contain avidin, a partially destroyed protein during cooking. In raw eggs, avidin binds more easily and reduces biotin. Rocky – and yourself – should consume plenty of raw egg whites to develop a biotin deficiency, but that's possible.

1984 Title: Time magazine cover contains a discouraged breakfast

Time magazine made its own statement about the egg debate with this disappointed face.
Time magazine published a cover depicting the face of cholesterol: a plate with two fried eggs for the eyes and a hint of bacon. The same year, the Egg Nutrition Center was created to clarify the skepticism surrounding cholesterol.

Title of 1995: attempt to resolve the confusion

To create standard dietary recommendations in the United States, organizations such as the American Heart Association, the National Centers for Environmental Prediction and the FDA have set a common goal for Americans: less than 300 milligrams a day of dietary cholesterol. For reference, a large boiled egg contains 186 milligrams of dietary cholesterol.

Title of 2002: The American association of the heart relaxes

The organization has waived its restriction on the consumption of a number of eggs a week, while maintaining the limit of less than 300 milligrams of dietary cholesterol per day. As the United States continued its internal battle over the issue of eggs, other countries, such as Australia, began to remove their restrictions on national dietary guidelines.

Title of 2013: No association found between egg consumption and cardiovascular disease

Are the eggs healthy?
A large meta-analysis concluded that eating an egg a day is not associated with an increased risk of heart disease. In a literature search from 1966 to 2012, researchers looked at patients followed for coronary artery disease and a history of stroke. They found no significant association between egg consumption and heart disease.

Title 2016: The oldest person still alive gives credit to raw eggs

Emma Morano comes from a line of lively women but partly attributes her long life to a diet consisting of raw eggs.
Emma Morano from Italy won the title of oldest living person on her 117th birthday. she has since passed away. Morano comes from a lineage of women with a long life: a mother who has reached the age of 91 and sisters who have lived up to a century. Although genes probably played a role, Morano partially attributed his longevity to a life of raw egg consumption. Her doctor said that she had an excellent cholesterol level.

2018 Title: An egg a day keeps the doctor away

A study of more than 400,000 Chinese adults has linked daily egg consumption with an 18% decrease in the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. The authors stated that the country has its own diet and lifestyle characteristics. It is therefore advisable to exercise caution during the generalization. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in China and worldwide, according to the World Health Organization.

The evolution, domestication and search for chickens and eggs led to our tables. The most recent research indicates that excessive egg consumption is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, but do not forget that cholesterol types, genetics and factors related to the mode of life also play a role. Keep this in mind, but we are waiting for the next study or the next guideline change.


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