3.7% increase in Egyptian exports in April


Published on:
Sunday, July 8, 2018 – 15:07
| Last update:
Sunday, July 8, 2018 – 15:07

The trade deficit widened 4.1% to $ 3.32 billion in April from $ 3.19 billion in the same month last year, according to the industry's monthly bulletin. foreign trade published by the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics. Exports increased 3.7% to US $ 2.26 billion from US $ 2.18 billion for the same period last year, an increase attributable to the increase in value of exports. exports of certain products: fresh orange (27.9%), ready-to-wear (2%), "Plastics" of 101.2%, puddings and various preparations of 14.7%. [1965Selonlebulletinlavaleurdebadportationsdecertainsproduitsadiminuéaucoursdumoisd'avrilparrapportàlamêmepériodedel'annéeprécédente(pétrolebrutde152%pommesdeterrede282%meublesde46%engraisde621%)Lesimportationsdebiensontaugmentéde39%pouratteindre558milliardsdedollarscontre537milliardsdedollarspourlemêmemoisdel'annéedernièreindiquantuneaugmentationdelavaleurdesimportationsdecertainsproduitsdontlesplusimportantessont:matièrespremièresdeferoud'acierde668%(175%)lesvéhiculesautomobiles(1271%)lesproduitschimiquesorganiquesetnonorganiques(334%)[19659003] The bulletin pointed out that the value of some imports Prices of goods have decreased compared to the same month of last year, the most important being: wheat (44.5%), petroleum products (49.7%) , pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical preparations (36%), s, id) {
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