$ 9 million to drill 7 wells in Western Sahara


The Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Tariq al-Mulla has signed a new petroleum agreement with the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation for the exploration and production of oil and gas in the Sea Region of India. Is in Western Sahara with an investment of $ 9 million The contract was signed by engineer Abed Ezz Al-Ghanim, chairman of the Petroleum Authority, and David Chee, general manager of Apache [19659002TheministersaidthattheagreementonoildealsfavorsglobalinvestmentinEgyptThesigningofthisagreementhasreachedthenumberofoilagreementssignedsince2014and87newagreementsandiscurrentlyworkingonthecompletionofproceduresfortheissuanceof14agreements

In addition, the Ministry of Petroleum launched its first channel on the social network (YouTube) under the name "Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources – the official channel" to take stock of the latest developments in all the domains [ad_2]
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