Exchange rates in Egypt today in all banks selling and buying prices


  Exchange Rates Today In Egypt In All Banks Buying And Selling
Exchange Rates Today In Egypt

We Are Presenting Exchange Rates Today In The Most banks in Egypt because there is a significant change in currencies compared to the Egyptian pound. There has been relative stability in some currencies since yesterday up to now and there is also a slight decline in currencies such as the euro and the US dollar and some of the other currencies and the continuation of Saudi riyal against the Egyptian pound.

Currency ] Purchase Sale US Dollar 17.8300 179542 Euro [196] Cron Denmark [19690001] [19690001] [19690001] [19690001] 2.0141 2.0141 2.1978 2.0178 2.0178 [19690001] 2. Swiss franc 17.9630 [ [19690001]] [19690001] Saudi Rial 4.7542 4.7874 Kuwaiti Dinar 58,863 Dirham of the United States [Dirham des États-Unis] [19659008] United States Dirham 4.8537 4.8884 Australian Dollar 13.1960 [19659009] 47.2852 Al Amani 46.3094 46.6355 Riyal of Qatar 4.8957 4.9325 Jordanian Dinar 25.1127 25.3233 [ Exchange Rates Today "wid th = "800" height = "450" ​​srcset = " jpg 800w, wp-content / uploads / 2018/04 / الدولار-7-768 x432.jpg 768w "sizes =" (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px "/>
Currency Rates Today

We welcome you We offer the average exchange rates today and most traded in most Egyptian banks.

The Saudi Riyal exchange rate in Egyptian banks today.

  • HSBC recorded the highest purchase price: 4.76 pounds
  • Arab Bank recorded the lowest selling price: 4.72 pounds.
Bank Purchase Price Sales Price Last Modified
HSBC HSBC 4.76 [1
590 590 days
The Suez Bank Cbad 4.76 4.75 4.75 4.76 4.76 4.76 4.78 4 , 78 4.65 4.76
Bank of Egypt 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 One Week One Week The National Bank of Egypt The National Bank of Egypt 4.74 4.75 [19659052]
International Commercial Bank (IBC) 4.74 3 hours 4.75 One week One week
National Bank of Kuwait (Piraeus) [19659051] 4.74 4.78 One day
Mashrek Bank 4.74 4.78 [1 9659047] 4.75 One Week
The Agricultural Bank of Egypt 4.73 4.78 The Greek National Bank 4.73 19659075] The Arab International Arab Bank
] The African Arab International Bank 4.73 4.78 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 [19659049] 4,75 4,75 4,75 5 years
Housing and Development Bank Construction and Housing Bank 4,70 4 , 79 4.75 4.65 Exchange Rates Today and the US Dollar Rate in Egyptian Banks Today
  • The Islamic Bank of Egypt Abu Dhabi recorded the highest purchase price: 17.85 Pounds
  • Arab Bank Recorded the Lowest Selling Price:
Bank Price of D & # 39; 39; purchase Price of Fri te Last modification since [1965] 17909 17909 5 pm 8 am
The Islamic Bank of Abu Dhabi 17.85 17 , 94 3 hours
Bank Audi 17.85 17.94 5 days National Bank of Greece 17.84 17.94 1794 ] One day The International Bank of Egypt 17.84 17.84 Bank of Kuwait NBK 17.84 17.94 1794 1794 [19659049] 1794 1794 1794 One Day
Blum Bank 17.84 17.94 6 days
The National Bank of Kuwait [19659075] [Carte de crédit] 19659075] Crédit Agricole 1794 17.94 One Week
Suez Cbad Bank 17.84 17.94 3 Hours
Arab African International Bank 17.94 [19659052] 17 , 94 17.94 17.94 1794 17.94 1794 5 days
Bank of the Republic 1794 The Bank of Alexandria 17,92 17,92 17,92 17,92 Bank of Egypt 1789 3 weeks
National Bank of Egypt 17.78 Bank of Egypt 17,78 17,78 17,88 17,88 3 weeks Today, and the UAE dirham rate in Egyptian banks today.
  • The Egyptian Gulf Bank recorded the highest purchase price: 4.86 pounds.
  • The Arab Bank is the lowest selling price: 4.82 LE
Bank Purchase Price Sales Price Last Modified Since [19659196] Egyptian Bank of the Gulf 4.86 4.89
National Bank of Kuwait (Piraeus) Bank of Iraq
4.85 4.86 4.86 4.88 9 hours
BLOM BANK 4.86 4.88 2 hours
International Arab Bank 4.86 4.88
The Banks of the Suez Cbad
4.86 4.85 3 Hours
The Central Bank of Egypt 4.86 Bank of Cairo 4.85 4.85 One day
One day
The Arab Investment Bank 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85
Bank of the United States. Egypt
Bank of Egypt Iran 4.83 4.85 8 hours
The United Bank 4.83 Bank of Egypt [19659052] 4.84 The Bank of Alexandria 4.83 The National Bank of Kuwait NBK 4.83 4.89 African International Conference Bank of housing and construction 4.74 4.89 4 months 4.83 4.89
  • The Islamic bank of Abu Dhabi has registered highest price: 20.74 pounds
  • The Arab Bank recorded the lowest selling price: 20.63 pounds.
International Arab Bank 20.74 2094 3 hours
International Arab Bank 20.74 [19659073] 20.91 7 hours
The Egyptian Bank of the Gulf [19659052] 20.74 20.95 6 hours
20.89 20.89 20.90 20.90 20.90 9 hours
The National Bank of Greece 20.73
The National Bank of Kuwait NBK The National Bank of Kuwait NBK The National Bank of Kuwait NBK
3 hours
African Arab International Bank 20.73 20.90 9 am
Bank of Blum 20.73 20.91 2 hours
Suez Cbad Bank 20.73 20.94 3 hours
The National Bank of Kuwait (Piraeus) [196] 59074] 20.73 20.94 6 hours
] Crédit Agricole 20.73 20.91 7 hours
HSBC HSBC 20.73 20.94 5
Bank of Alexandria 20.69 20.86 8 am
Arab Investment Bank AIB 20.68
Central Bank of Egypt Bank of Egypt 20.66 20.84 8 hours
Bank of Egypt 20.66 20.98 20.98 20.98 20.90 [19659047] 8 hours
Bank Ch
20.58 20.97 One day
The United Bank 20.57 20.97 The United Arab Bank 20.61 19659075] 8 hours
Arab Bank 20.40 20.63 8 months

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