Dubai (Union)
Brokerage House, in partnership with the Dubai Financial Market, implemented the first repo agreements on securities listed on local capital markets, allowing investors to obtain the best necessary cash, Underlying securities in the securities that they own.
The importance of repurchase transactions is that it is a financial instrument whereby the buyer provides money to the seller against the securities in possession which may, after a specified period, redeem these securities at a predetermined price at the conclusion of the transaction. . "The repurchase of listed securities serves investors from individuals and institutions working in the field of securities, as well as banking and financial institutions interested in the loan, and maintains the value of shares and other securities," said Abdulhadi Al- Saadi, general manager of the company. And contribute to the active local capital markets of the movement. "
News (Brokerage House) participate in the completion of the first case" Repo "Dubai market (Moved Site [journal Union]
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