Vodafone receives the certificate of the best mobile network in Egypt from the world's "P3"


Vodafone Egypt was voted "Best in Test" by P3 Communications, world leader in communications, engineering and technical testing, after testing the power of the voice network,

The price of this The year coincides with the launch of Vodafone Egypt's 4G + service in Egypt, offering its customers high Internet speeds and a high quality network experience.

Vodafone recorded the highest scores in voice call tests for P3 and Vodafone Egypt, with a record difference of 94 points, a marked difference even for the performance of the company in the same test last year where the results improved by 53 points.

Alexander Froman "We are proud to receive this global certificate which confirms Vodafone Egypt's leadership in mobile services in the local market and is a driver for achieving more results." We have already made progress in the test results compared to last year. Technology and Networks Over the past three years, Vodafone has invested approximately LE 9.5 billion in network development and upgrades and we plan to invest another 10% in the network over the next three years [19659003] HACKEN ACMAN, CEO of P3 Communications, Egypt has achieved excellent performance in the company's testing, making it one of the leading competitors of mobile operators to achieve impressive results and widening the gap between them and their competitors, thus confirming Vodafone's position in Egypt. The test included 11 governorates and 13 cities from Cairo in Egypt to Alexandria, Mahalla El Kobra and Damietta in the north, as well as road networks connected to these cities for three consecutive weeks – from mid-April to early May – to ensure stability and the quality of the services provided.

Vodafone Egypt organized a unique event in Egypt in the presence of the company's CEO to announce the launch of the 4G + service and its new campaign to promote the number one network in Egypt with the presence of Amr McGeever – "

McGuire has a unique network testing experience, where the team has covered his car and has relied entirely on the Vodafone network to see the road and driving tips, putting the car into action. focus on network reliability and quality.

To reach market share in Egypt by more than 40%, according to NTRA reports, its network also covers 99% of residential areas in Egypt through its investments in development of its networks and infrastructure. Vodafone has set up a network development program Three years Yeh, to develop the infrastructure and monitor the launch of fourth-generation services in Egypt, the total volume of investments in the Egyptian market to reach 45 billion pounds.

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