We have a clear plan to restructure service prices in the coming years


"Electricity": We have a clear plan to restructure the price of the service in the coming years The news observatory has cited the sunrise portal we publish "Electricity": We have a clear plan to restructure service prices We have a clear plan to restructure service prices in the coming years.

News Observatory – There is no price increase this year again and we take into account The social dimension of citizens

denied the doctrine "There is no no increase in electricity prices during this year other than what has been announced, "said Ayman Hamza, a spokesman for the Ministry of Electricity. "We have a clear plan to restructure prices and increase subsidies." The Ministry of Electricity, in a telephone intervention in the "Evening Dream" program, aired via Dream, "Thursday night, that the ministry has prepared a price restructuring plan since 2014, due to the significant gap between the price of the production cost of the service and the prices of its delivery to citizens, highlighting the deficit

He referred to the announcement of the Ministry transparently on the segments of the rise in electricity prices at a general conference last year, after the plan aimed to restructure prices over five years, but the reforms

He added that despite the price adjustment of electricity supply, the state continues to significantly support electricity, taking into account the department ] Thank you for following us and we always promise to provide all that is better .. The news transfer of all news sources and facilitate their reading. Do not forget the IK work for our Facebook page and follow the latest news on Twitter. With greetings from the family of the Observatory's information website.
"Electricity": We have a clear plan to restructure service prices in the coming years, follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive new news constantly.

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