Treasury bill yield drops significantly


The latest official data published by the Department of Finance show that the yield on Treasury bills has declined in today's supply: the average yield on treasury bills for 91 days Is established at 18.973% and the best return at 19.019%. The average yield on Treasury bills was 273 days at 19.118 percent and the highest yield was about 19.166 percent, while the lowest yield was about 19,000 percent, which was has been covered 2.6 times.

The Central Bank, on behalf of the Ministry of Finance, Sunday, Treasury bills worth £ 16.2 billion, to fill the deficit of the general budget of the Dow

According to official data published by the Central Bank , the value of the first offer is about 8.250 billion pounds for 91 days, while the value of the second offer is about 8 billion pounds for 273 days.

Through the introduction of debt securities "bonds" and "treasury bills", public banks are the most buyers of these tools.

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