Oil prices tend to rise in Asia


Oil prices tend to rise in Asia on Thursday after Saudi Arabia suspended crude deliveries via the strategic strait of Bab al-Mandab because of Yemeni rebels who were attacking Saudi oil tankers.

(Brent), the North Sea benchmark supplier of crude oil on the world market for the September delivery, rose 49 cents to 74.42 dollars.

Saudi Oil Minister Khalid al-Faleh announced yesterday "the suspension of all crude oil shipments through the Bab Strait (1965) Two giant oil tankers belonging to the Saudi National Company, each carrying two million barrels of crude oil, were attacked by Houthi rebels in the Red Sea, "Aramco said in a statement

The statement added that one of the two carriers suffered" minor injury without injury. "

This vital marine oil route has pushed Brent up. "

Prices were also affected by data from the Energy Information Administration [ad_2]
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