Facebook shareholders seek to drive Mark out of his office


Facebook shareholders are trying to eliminate Mark Zuckerberg as chairman of the company because of the mismanagement of the social media giant with recent scandals, including the data leak for Cambridge Analytica, the company's biggest deal. Russian interference in US elections and new counterfeits. Trellium Asset Management, which holds about $ 11 million worth of Facebook shares, proposed Wednesday to dismantle the role of Zuckerberg's chairman and chief executive, suggesting that shareholders are unable to verify Zuckerberg's strength. . 60% of the voting shares on Facebook as President and CEO. The proposal states that the chief executive who also serves as chairman may exert undue influence over the board and its agenda, weakening the oversight of the board of directors. The proposal added that the separation of positions between the president and the CEO reduces the conflict. The investment company says that this overlap has contributed to "loss or mismanagement" with many of the "marked differences" in the past years.
This article is from: جريدة الفجر

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