Adidas – Adidas is made of round plastic


  Adidas makes its plastic wrap

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The makers of the Adidas brand have announced that the company would refrain from using polyester in the manufacture of its clothing, by 2024.

Adidas will use Recycled Plastic only in the garment industry by 2024, instead of polystyrene used by other sportswear brands because its fabric is light and dries quickly after washing.

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The company also plans to produce various sports equipment from recycled plastic bottles, old clothing and other wastes.

Adidas will supply up to 40 tons of plastic a year, according to the new nature conservation program, starting this year. Polyester manufacturing will be reduced to 41% by the summer of 2019. Adidas will also produce 5 million pairs of shoes made from recycled materials (compared to 1 million pairs of shoes produced in 2017).

Source: Live. UK

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