After Huawei and ZTE .. The United States is waging a war against a new Chinese society


The US government has announced that another major Chinese telecommunications company could be a "potential threat to national security." NTIA yesterday issued a statement advising the FCC not to allow China. Mobile ", the third largest telecommunications company in the world after AT & T and Verizon in the United States.

China Mobile first submitted to the FCC to obtain Next, to provide US telecommunications services in 2011 and its application has been suspended since, and in 2013, wrote the China Mobile Rs consultant to the FCC, in which he asked permission, pointing out that "the delay important in the granting of the authorization causes substantial and unjustified damages to the operations of China Mobile. "

According to the site" theverge In the past, the US government intensified its actions against Chinese technology companies, including Huawei and ZTE . China Mobile is vulnerable to exploitation, influence and control of the Chinese government, and the risk is expected to increase over time.



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