After the increase in external debt to 83 billion dollars. Learn more about debt reduction mechanisms


Egypt's external debt amounted to about $ 82.9 billion at the end of December 2017. According to official statistics of the Central Bank of Egypt.

The Central Bank reported that the ratio of external debt to GDP was 36.1% International.

Egypt imports an average of $ 5 billion a month in goods and products from abroad, for an annual total of more than $ 55 billion, of which $ 11.5 billion, of which approximately $ 3 billion from the IMF and the World Bank. Economic sources can be provided by mechanisms that can provide more than the amount of debt, namely:

1 – Maximize exports abroad and increase by 50% to about 3.5 billion dollars per month, or about $ 1.2 billion per month By activating export mechanisms and reducing burdens on exporters while encouraging local industry

2. Reduce the import bill by 25%, saving $ 1.2 billion a month

3. Revitalizing tourism revenues through the implementation of intensive advertising programs to increase tourism revenues by 500

4. Widening the supply of stockbroking companies to provide foreign currency.

5 – The provision of hundreds of badets in state-owned enterprises, including the public enterprise sector, which exceeds real estate and real estate badets more than According to estimates of the sector's holdings managers, allowing the company's badets to grow. access to partnerships with international institutions

6 – Expansion of oil and gas exploration by foreign partners to inject new investments in dollars and discover the Egyptian treasures in the docks, which is reflected in the availability of hard currency, especially as oil is targeted

7. Expanding cooperation with Arab funds and international institutions to inject more foreign exchange investment into the Egyptian economy.

8. Implementation of a mbadive campaign to invite Egyptians abroad to abstain

9- Investment targeting increases to about $ 12 billion by stimulating the promotion to abroad

10. Intensify cooperation with development partners to increase free grants for development projects, thereby reducing the volume of borrowing

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