An economist predicts "the collapse of real estate prices"


An economist predicts "the collapse of real estate prices" soon (Video) The charter quoted Al-Masry Al-Masri as being an economic expert predicting the price collapse of the company. Real estate soon.

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Dr. Wael El Nahas, an economist, predicts the collapse of real estate prices in Egypt during the coming period after the mad rally in prices.

And attributed, in an intervention to the program "Sahn sleep", Sunday night, the reasons for the decline in real estate demand, saying that "Egypt is now in a real estate balloon". "The drop in demand for goods and real estate in Egypt is one of the reasons for the current inflation, and the high value of taxes at the end of the year does not indicate the movement of the market in Egypt, nor currently established real estate and prices of fictitious figures, which will cause the sudden collapse of prices. "

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Source: المصرى اليوم