Bitquin increases by 45% in less than a month


  The Betcuene

The Betcuene

The price of the Petcavin encrypted currency was established yesterday at $ 7850, down from a two-month high of $ 8,500 a barrel reported on Tuesday The value of digital currency last month was only 45%, with some badysts starting a fresh start at unprecedented levels.

On Tuesday, Citigroup beat $ 8500 for the first time in more than two months on news that some financial institutions are willing to buy, and speculation on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on the stock market, known as Bitcoin ETF's name in the month of August next, allowing increased demand from individual customers because it greatly facilitates investment opportunities.

However, a recent opinion poll showed that more than half of the respondents said they believed that "herd behavior" was the main factor behind the city's price movements and only 15% polled.

Petcone lost confidence in June, when it dropped 60% from its peak in December 2017, after counting one of Korea's small encrypted currency exchanges, the Quinnerel, which worth nearly $ 50 million of these currencies.

The theft announcement coincided with the Wall Street Journal's publication, which reported that regulators in the United States had begun investigating the alleged manipulation of PeteChoen's currency by four of the largest currencies , priced at $ 6,650, and it was the lowest level in two months.

The three-day rally, coupled with optimism based on fundamental and technical factors, pushed the total market value of the coded currency available for trading to more than $ 300 billion, according to the market. The highest level in six weeks.

Despite the rise in value, 38% of respondents said that it was impossible to become a reserve currency held by central banks around the world.

As news of currency caches and the manipulation of certain trading platforms in pricing was the biggest cause of devaluation two months ago, it is clear spirit in Pitcuen
The latest developments in this regard have been announced by South Korea, one of the world's largest currency markets, the creation of a government department aimed at developing political initiatives bearing on financial technologies and coded currencies. Charles Hitter, CEO of, said, "The organization of transactions is getting closer to the positive impulses of governments, having achieved Opportunities and Risks, and how to adjust their processing methods. South Korea is the last to give this signal. "

See also:

What is the currency of petecoin?

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