"Clothing Export" looking with the mechanisms of the European Bank of Corporate Finance


Shereen Hosny, Executive Director of the Export Council, confirmed that the Council's plan was aimed at improving and developing the industrial process in order to increase the productive efficiency of the Egyptian factories, noting the concern of the Council of coordinate exchanges with international organizations.

Sheren highlighted the coordination and cooperation between the Council and the European Bank in Egypt, which will in turn provide the services provided by him and the financing mechanisms that companies can use to develop their production lines and increase their production capacity.

Sheren stressed that the holding of this workshop is part of the encouragement of Egyptian products and their eligibility for export to world markets, noting that the latest reports of the Council indicate that clothing exports and total sector exports reached $ 757 million in 2018 compared to $ 697 million in 2017.

With respect to the world's major garment garment markets, Shirin has highlighted the increase in ready-to-wear exports to the United States. January to July "from 10% to 3% Compared to $ 340 million for the same period in 2017. Exports of Egyptian confections to Europe increased by 13% to $ 254 million against 225 million The Council's plan also aims to train member companies, qualify them for export, compete with international products, participate in foreign fairs, open new markets and meet the challenges of the Egyptian market. . "19659006] (function () {
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